Fresh from the post debt-crisis dénouement, Senator Mark Kirk and Congressman Bob Dold flew back home to Chicago in time to lead a strong Lake County GOP contingent in the 150th Year Celebration at the Lake Forest Days parade. In addition to Kirk and Dold, Keith Brin for Circuit Court Clerk marched with his family, County Board Candidate Scott Helton had many supporters, and just-announced State's Attorney candidate Mike Nerheim also marched.
The Dems tried to make a decent showing, but their main contingent trailed behind the GOP (literally), as they were the next parade position, and had substantially fewer marchers overall. Their close placement meant, though, that I had the chance to chat with a few of them, including State's Attorney candidate Chris Kennedy, and also Congressional candidate Ilya Sheyman.
I had a nice talk with Sheyman, who seems in person like a nice kid, but I don't think he's going to get a lot of traction against Dold. Sheyman's first priority, though, is defeating primary opponent Brad Schneider, who came in with a strong fundraising quarter, handily beating Sheyman. Sheyman told me that he does not plan to match Schneider dollar-for-dollar, but is not concerned, as he believes that his grassroots support and organizational skills will more than make up the difference. We also both got a chuckle out of his fascist/socialist/anarchist politics, as I put it previously. At least Sheyman thought it was funny, unlike some of our oversensitive commentors a while back.
Sheyman also thought that the current Dem field, himself and Schneider, was likely to be it as far as Dem candidates were concerned. He may be in for a bit of a surprise in that regard; I simply don't see the Dem powers that be let Dold walk away with such weak competition in a district that they moved heaven and earth to set up for a Dem victory.
In any case, here are the pix:
Below is Scott Helton, Candidate for County Board:
Decorating the truck:
Team Dold makes a strong showing:
Kelley Folino helps decorate the truck:
A lot of prep work goes into getting the truck ready. Props to Moraine Township GOP Chairman Lou Atsaves (left), who organized the GOP parade entry:
Here's one of my favorites, the Caputo Cheese Float:
Here is the Sunset Foods old-fashioned fruit truck:
Keith Brin for Circuit Court Clerk gets ready to march:
Another Sunset Foods car:
A new business, Spash Zone!, will be opening soon in Vernon Hills. The bathtubs are actually driveable!
Congressman Bob Dold works the crowd:
Iyla Sheyman, Dem Congressional Candidate. He's 25, but looks at least 26 or 27.
Sheyman's team looked a little lonely:
A typical Sheyman supporter:
Sheyman's primary opponent, Brad Schneider, showed up with a few people too:
Republican attorney Mike Nerheim, fresh off his official announcement for State's Attorney, came with supporters:
Nerheim poses with Chris Kennedy, who is running for State's Attorney on the Dem side:
Senator Kirk and Bob Dold take time to say hi to Keith Brin:
Everyone loves a little dog, including Senator Kirk, who is giving Laura Lambrect's six-year-old pooch a scratch:
I usually shun the limelight, but Senator Kirk and Congressman Dold insisted that TA pose for a picture:
Kids for Kirk. 'Nuf 'Sed.
Dold looks strong.
I wouldn't underestimate Brad Schneider as much as you have. As a moderate with strong fundraising he isn't exactly "weak competition" in a district where Dold won by only 2%. I agree that more dems will probably join the race as time goes on though.
Schneider did well in his first quarter of fundraising, but if you look at his disclosures, they were all mega-donations essentially from well-heeled friends. Many of them maxed-out right away (and many of those were husband and wife couples), and so his cash haul is essentially overreported, since some of his money has to be saved only for the general election, assuming he makes it that far. More importantly, people with rich friends tend to have them all give as soon as they can. Thus, one wonders if there are any more rich friends Schneider hasn't put the bite on, or if his personal network is already tapped out.
DailyKos certainly doesn't care much for Schneider, for whatever that's worth (if anything), and is trying to raise money for Sheyman by giving away a signed Green Day guitar.
There you go again, as Ronald Reagan said, calling Sheyman's positions "fascist/socialist/anarchist politics." Despite all the comments pointing out how misleading and nonsensical your prior use of this phrase was, you just keep using it. Don't you pay attention to what your readers are saying?
Two comments. Wouldn't you expect a strong GOP turn-out on one of the wealthiest communities in the county? That is a given!
I am a betting man and I agree with TA, the DCCC will probably add another candidate to the list, and I am betting it is a woman.
Dem candidates in the 10th are 3rd tier candidates trying to jump into a potential top tier race. Problem is that right now, they don't have the scratch (political or financial) to elevate their candidacy. If they did, then Dold would have a huge fight on his hands, but as of today, he should win by about 3 - 5 points in that new district. IMHO
To review the comments I have made the last 3 months.
A. National democrats have failed in recruiting efforts for this seat, which they acknowledge. they said last november this was target number 1. They released in june their list of star candidates-the candidates they want national donors and dc pacs to focus on. Neither of these guys were on it-they don't think they can win and want other folks.
B. Neither of these guys have the campaign experience, message or financial organization to win. Neither of them has worked on a winning campaign or played a leadership role in a campaign period. Schneiders facebook page is him and a few of his kids-cute, but cute doesn't get people out to vote. Schneider has a message for the democratic party of 15 years ago. They don't like mba white guys over there anymore. He's probably voted for mark kirk and or donated to him directly or indirectly to some pro israel pac. His best friends also just went on a juf trip with dold. Schneiders message is business competence-dold already says that, scheyman's is spend money in dc-not a winner with fiscally conservative social moderates who want private sector jobs.
c. I give sheyman credit for talking to you. It's not easy, and while we disagree with the other side it's always nice when people can stay classy. Pretty sure his campaign will go thug-lee goodman is involved after all, but at least he's starting clean.
d. Finally part of the problem with the democrats redistricting is that they cut out some parts of the district which would have helped with candidate recruitment. new trier has been the source of a lot of candidates over the years on our side and theirs and by stuffing it in jan's peoples republic of evanston district they may have limited themselves.
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