Now that the presents have been opened, it's time for a little political catch-up.
The big news of the morning appears to be that Blago's lawyers are determined to exculpate him at risk of bringing down the Illinois Democratic Party, or even taint or at least seriously embarrass President-elect Barack Obama. Seems that Blago's lawyers want to subpoena Rahm Emanuel and Valerie Jarrett, not to mention Jesse Jackson, Jr., to testify in the impeachment proceedings to help 'prove' that there was no illegal conduct on the part of the Guv to appoint someone to Obama's senate seat in return for financial or other remuneration.
Obama, of course, has already vindicated himself and his staff of any wrongdoing, because, well, because he says so.
This whole escapade has already made Illinois politics and the Guv the laughingstock of the nation, and earned the Guv the title of "naughtiest politician" of 2008. How's that for a Christmas present?
Local Dems are already trying to do damage control from the Blago fall-out, reminding everyone that one should not paint all members of a political party with the same brush... or so says State Senator Susan Garrett. Of course, guilt by association is the founding principle of Ellen's blog, and her war against the evil of Mark W. Bush, so I guess what goes around comes around, ladies. Maybe Senator Garrett should have added fellow scandal-plagued Senator Terry Link on her list of Democrats that should not be held up as the standard-bearers for her party.
Still no word on a special election, although Pat Quinn seems to have flipped positions on the issue once again.
Also, it seems interesting to me that in this post-election period, people seem to still be very interested in politics, and are perhaps starting to see things with a slightly clearer sight, now that Obama-mania is starting to wear off just a tad. After all, when's the last time an incoming president already had to start doing internal investigations? This'll be a fun four years, kids.
Even the people of New York are starting to wise up, as a backlash is building against the latest Dem elite scheme to place Caroline Kennedy into Hillary's senate seat because, well, you know why. And weren't the same group of folks that are touting Kennedy's mighty slim resume the same ones claiming that Sarah Palin was so inexperienced that the very ideashe was fit for higher office was a travesty? Just askin'.
Meanwhile, locally, Terry Link appears to be bound and determined to push through a Waukegan casino, even if he has to write a bill that specifically gives another casino license to Waukegan, according to the News-Sun. Hey, if you can't get what you want fairly under the current law, just change it to suit your needs. That's classic Terry Link.
Happy Holidays to you, TA, and all your readers. It's a great time to reflect on what's unfolding, isn't it. I saw the Obama Revealed program on CNN last night. Talk about 'revealing' what makes our soon to be 44th President tick. Yes, we're all willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as he assumes office. Let's hope that he has matured, that he does have his priorities straight. If you missed that program I'm hoping that CNN will do a re-broadcast sometime soon. Watch it.
Blago continues to bring shame on our State. What we also know is that Rahm wanted the Guv to 'keep the 5th District seat warm' for him. How nice. So Rahm's ultimate goal is to get back there so he's in line to replace Pelosi one day soon. You couldn't make up these stories. I don't think anyone has a clue about the outcome of this ever-changing, embarrassing debacle. Special election for the open Senate Seat is a definite possibility but not in the next few months. At least not from my perspective.
Oh yes, if you do watch the CNN program on Obama you will see some vintage Terry Link footage. One would see that he IS a close buddy of our next President. Now doesn't that give you a chill that a warm blanket can't hide!
Can't wait to see how this drama continues to unfold. I just hope that 2009 brings some semblance of order to our State and our nation. Enjoy a great Holiday Season, TA.
Susan Garrett better get ready because it's time to regulate on these scumbag Democrats that have been screwing taxpayers for the last 6 years. Soccer momism has had its day and so has she.
Terry Link better enjoy his moment because his schtick has worn thin and the masses are ready for revolt.
Happy Holidays to all Republicans.
Merry Christmas!
I do love your turn-of-the-word on why Mr. Obama is totally innocent!!
Is it too much to think that this might be a very happy new year for Illinois Republicans?
Merry Christmas TA. I've missed you these last few days. Welcome back now that presents are unwrapped. This will be an exciting and interesting few months for us Republicans.
Mark Kirk, Mark Kirk, Mark Kirk.
Great things to look forward to.
Senator Garrett was smart to try to restate the image perception that Democrats have with regards to corruption. But her statement that the Democrats will deal with their own bad apples falls flat. Those bad apples have been around for a long time and are still holding leadership positions.
Until the Blagojevich mess exploded on the scene, I have not seen any Democrat Party action against any of their bad apples. Once the Blagojevich mess exploded on them, Lt. Gov. Quinn suddenly found his voice, the Madigans both suddenly started growing some type of a back bone and the rest of them have been meal mouthing the issue away.
The true test is coming during the impeachment panel of the Illinois House. Ed Gensen has demanded subpoenas of a dozen witnesses who clearly the Democrats do not want to hear from.
Remember, this impeachment panel is stacked by a majority of Democrats over Republicans (12-9) instead of the usual equal number from both political parties. The only folks with subpoena powers are the Democrats, another departure from the norm in impeachment hearings. This is to prevent pesky Republicans from making real political hay out of this mess and also prevents Gensen from providing a strong defense for the Governor.
After all, didn't Obama's little internal investigation find his people and Obama completely innocent? So let Gensen subpoena them to Springfield to testify joyously as to their innocence! And hasn't Rep. Jesse Jackson protested his innocence in public for weeks? How about under oath, dude? And no one feels it necessary to call John Harris, former chief of staff and his predecessor to testify before the panel? Or a view former and present Deputy Governors?
Think of the stories they could tell! Or better yet, think of how often they may exercise their fifth amendment rights.
Will Rod be impeached over matters that the legislature has tolerated for years, or will the impeachment include his recent actions? The national press has focused on the "selling of the U.S. Senate seat" and if the panel ducks that issue, then our Democratic friends will really find themselves in a pickle.
Tune in Monday as the true character of the Illinois Democratic Party will be on display. They either will become spineless and cut the hearings short, or go all the way with them.
Oops! Forgot to sign the above post again.
Louis G. Atsaves
Conservatives rightly rip moderates early and often for too routinely seeking a pat on the head and trying to get along with Democrats. Ray LaHood, was this kind of mealy mouthed moderate thug. Susan Garrett is the problem, not the solution in Springfield, having a Republican down there instead of her would be so much better and would probably fight for us rather than to keep the status quo.
She's in SYA (save your ass) mode right now and letting her indulge in this is not good politics and even worse strategy. 23 months until she faces the voters, now is the time to start recruiting challengers for her and the rest of the soccer mommy brigade up here that has enabled Blago and Stroger and the rest of these creeps the last several years.
Fan of King Louis Astaves the Ellen Slayer-FOKLAES.
Hey guys, I know that we don't give a hoot in you know where about what the catwoman says, but do troll over there and read her latest sicko rant about Mark. It's actually funny! Mark is responsible for every damn evil on the planet and more. I think she's dangerously over the side and sinking fast, but this latest rant and attack is almost laughable. Talk about fixated on someone doesn't begin to describe her never ending attacks. I think the 11/4 win really has put her over the edge.
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