Here's some additional background on this guy.
Given that the boundaries lines of the 10th are not even known yet, I highly doubt that this kid is going to be the only candidate on the Dem side. Greg Hinz speculated yesterday that our old friend Lauren Beth Gash might even make another stab at the race. And of course, we can never count out the erstwhile Dan Seals, who still doesn't seem to have anything better to do that continue to try, try, try again, for this seat. Assuming that Mr. Sheyman sticks in the race through the primary, it will be fun to see the Dem primary candidates try to run to the left of this guy... which may not be possible... and then try to pivot to the center in the general.
The good news is, that if Mr. Sheyman turned out to be the Dem nominee, the independent-minded 10th District is going to have a hard time swallowing Sheyman's fire-breathing liberalism, especially in the face of Bob Dold's centrist views.
Looks like the fun is beginning, campers...
Below: NOT Ilya Sheyman

I think it's tragic that this guy's parents were refugees from Russia, and he wants to replicate here what drove Russia into the ground.
One could even call him an "idealogue", Paul. ;-)
It is a shame Paul doesn't get out of Baggerville too often and get a real sense of this country. You comment is a bizarre one and goes to show how very little you do know about Americana!
smart move on the part of the Dems -he's clearly not THE candidate, however, kudos to his accomplishments and the start of a dialogue to continue for next 11 months....
The kid's a bolshevik but he's passionate, articulate and intelligent. As far as political boy wonders go he makes our Aaron Lawlor look like . . . our Aaron Lawlor.
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