Things are even more interesting on the Republican side, though, as two strong candidates are poised to duke it out for the GOP nomination. On one hand is Lauren Turelli, who ran a strong race against Karen May last cycle (getting an appreciable percentage of the vote against the seemingly unbeatable May), and on the other, Dr. Mark Neerhof, who recently issued a press release touting his fundraising results for this past quarter.
According to Neerhof's press release, Neerhof raised/"invested" nearly $75,000 in a traditionally slow fundraising quarter. Neerhof is campaiging from a conservative platform, emphasizing tort reform, pension reform, and reversing the Democrats 66% state income tax increase. Neerhof also hit the mailboxes in the District with this piece:

Despite the fact that Tureli ran a good race against May last cycle, she apparently was not planning to challenge May again, instead opting for a county board run. With May's decision not to run, Turelli quickly reassessed the race, and decided to jump in after securing promises of support from many local prominent Republicans, as well as the House Republican Organization (HRO).
I spoke with Turelli's campaign chairman, attorney Mark Shaw, yesterday, and he told me that Turelli had raised more than $30,000, and pointed out several things about Neerhof's claimed numbers. First, according to the disclosure forms filed by Neerhof, $45,000 of that $75,000 noted above came from the candidate himself in the form of loans or contributions to the campaign. Second, the disclosures also reveal a small number of large contributions ($1,000 or more) from a small number of people (about 10 contributors). In contrast, said Shaw, Turelli's contributions came from almost 60 donors, and does not include any large loans or contributions from the candidate herself.
Shaw also told me, oficially, that "we're glad to see that there's a lot of interest in this race, which we believe is the result of Lauren's previous campaign against Karen May last cycle."
Shaw told me that, even with HRO in Turelli's corner, they were by no means resting on their laurels and counting on Turelli's name recognition and candidate profile to carry them through an easy primary. "She's going to continue campaiging on the issues she ran on last time, and we're going to be competitive in fundraising," he said. "She's out there working every day."
I admire anyone that puts their name on the ballot. Dr. Neerhof should be commended for his convictions but this is a race he should re-think. Turelli spend a bunch of cash when she admireably took on May the first time so has got to have a huge name ID lead. Very few people that know this district want to go agaist LT. Gov. Corrine Wood who has endorsed Turelli. Wood is a bulldog for a candidate. I heard Dr. Neerhof has some political operatives he is paying. Sometimes people you are paying have a different reason for giving you advice.
Republicans in Lake county should be ecstatic about the upcoming election. We are lucky that the "B" squad on the Dem side is challenging Dold. The best campaign in the state right now is taking place under the banner Arie Friedman for State Senate. Finally, whoever wins the 58th will have a great shot with Dold and Friedman offering amazing coattails.
I hope Turelli and Neerhof don't kill each other and whoever wins is not too bloody to take on Scott Drury and his famous out of control temper.
I am not really sure corinne wood has any potency in anything. The party lost her seat when she was in office and hasn't retaken it since. She had a nice story but was never a real force.
Winning this seat is a great omen for the future and for the party. Sounds like we have some excellent candidates.
If friedman runs like a mark kirk republican he should win easily. If he runs like a joel pollak I'm full of myself michelle malkin republican he'll lose. He can do this.
Unfortunately most first time candidates like Neerhof don't have a cohesive message so they need to go on the attack. Turelli is a cool customer and understands how campaigns work. I doubt she even pays him any attention. Plus Goodman, Neerhof's hired gun, is known to throw a few punches.
When are the commenters of TA going realize the new 10th reaches far west into the county now and picks of large pockets of Dems in Grayslake and the Round Lakes. Regardless of who the Dems end up voting for in the primary, this is a very new district that should raise an eyebrow or two.
Now for the good news, we know from history that LBG has been unsuccessful leading the Dem organization in the old 10th. But my limited research tells me there is new chatter in the new part of the district. Looking at the FB pages of the DEM candidates shows they are spending time out in the west
Hey 6:27
The Honest and Intellectual [not] commenterz at TA are to busy coming up with lame junior hi name calling like "Bozo' and stuff
The TA anti hero Dold had some rough Rotary meetings in the past few days. Pretty much came right out and tried to say "I feel your pain" to the audience.
Really? He's one of the Lite Tea Partyers causing it! Hilarioos!!
Zip crackle Dold snutty grip lollipop. I'ds been thnken bout brps and stuff and how Dold make me rippin mad er brrrp and stuff. Y'all at TA aint nuttin bunch a crew a tea folks and stupids.
Funny how Dold got a C- from the tea party groups in their latest rankings of Congressmen based on how "conservative" they are. Walsh got an "A" by comparison and the rest of the GOP Congressmen in Illinois averaged between B+ and B-.
But 10th Democrats don't like those facts tossed in their faces.
Based on your comments, "Bozo" seems to fit you like a glove.
Louis G. Atsaves
Right again, Lou. Remember those words that ring so true about Bozo; stupid is as stupid does. You were correct the first time in saying that to ignore this person is the right course. Right on, Lou.
If your trying to ignore me and The Truth I'm telling you Intellectual and Honest cats sure are making alot of commentz about it.
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