Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Musharraf Must Have Read His Shakespeare--Lawyers Being Hunted Down in Pakistan

One of the most famous Shakespeare quotes is from Henry IV Part 2, where it was said, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". - (Act IV, Scene II).

This quote is widely misinterpreted as being an "anti-lawyer" motto, and many journalists and other folks like to begin a story with this pithy saying from The Bard. The thing is, though, that in context, if anyone nowadays bothered to actually read the work that they were quoting from, they would understand that, in fact, lawyers in Shakespeare's time were well-respected and considered the guardians of the law and protectors of the public. In this country, that viewpoint is not widely held anymore, probably due to the effect of greedy plaintiff lawyers on late-night TV and other less lofty aspects of the profession. But, in any event, the point is that the characters who were planning a coup knew that one of the things they would have to do in order to be successful was to eliminate or render impotent the guardians of the law that could be counted on to stand in the way of their plans.

Looks like our general in Pakistan has boned up on his Shakespeare, as Musharraf has ordered the tracking down and imprisoning of about a quarter of the country's lawyers, even as the deposed former Chief Justice has called for the lawyers to stand against the army. See the CCN story here.

We all knew this was very serious, but when they start taking lawyers out in the street and beating them, the meltdown of a society can't be very far behind.


Publia said...

Good to see you blogging about this important development. Did you see the ABA statement? http://www.abanet.org/abanet/media/statement/statement.cfm?releaseid=214

I don't think the meltdown of society is about to happen as the incarcarated Chief Justice of Pakistan is urging his countrymen forward. See this http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/paperchase/2007/11/dismissed-pakistan-cj-summons-lawyers.php

I am hoping that more lawyers who visit here will blog about this situation and add their insight to this matter.

Anonymous said...

There are two meltdowns occurring among our "allies" near Iraq and Afghanistan. Pakistan's move to dictatorship and Turkey's move towards martial law in their decades old quest to destroy Kurds in their country and outside of their country. It is forbidden to teach Kurdish language and culture in Turkey. Turkey has erased their large Christian populations since it's founding as a "modern" state, although they constantly protest against genocide resolutions on that topic. And they are considered a "modern" or "moderate" Islamic state!

Pakistan's rounding up of those who want the rule of law is no less disturbing.

We do have to choose our international "friends" more carefully. Geographical convenience friendship has it's problems and usually leaves us looking pretty bad.

So far calling it "extra-constitutional" is not good enough. We need to cut off all funding of Pakistan until they return to elections and the rule of law.

Louis G. Atsaves