Monday, January 26, 2009

Illinois Senator Dan Rutherford's Video Update of the Senate Trial of Governor Rod Blagojevich

State Senator Dan Rutherford (one of the hardest-working members of the General Assembly that I know) gives us a video overview of the procedure and issues of the State Senate trial of Governor Rod Blagojevich. Dan promises to update us with further videos as the proceedings continue. Great idea, Senator! h/t Illinois Review.

Please use this as our impeachment trial open thread for today. Also, be sure to check out Capitol Fax Blog for the best coverage as we continue with the Blago circus.


Anonymous said...

This is off the posted subject, but can someone tell me which office Cong. Kirk is running for in 2010? I just received a letter from him asking for my support (which he will get) for the "biggest challenge of (his) life". He mentions U.S. House, Senate and Governor.

Just curious.

Anonymous said...

This is off the posted subject as well, but 'emtae' - I am disturbed to hear that. Congressman Kirk's positions (especially on the life issue, which has been on everyone's [or at least many of ours...] minds this past week) are more radical that most people seem to realize; he may be even worse for us than Judy Barr Topinka was. (I addressed that a little within the last entry at my personal blog.)

This is a great opportunity that we have, to get a Republican in a major office; we cannot afford to piss it away, like we did last time in Illinois, and last time nationally as well.

I mean, if we present the public, every time, the opportunity to support a Democrat with an "R" next to his/her name, why should we expect them not to vote for the actual thing?

R_K said...

Aakash, have you ever heard of Al Salvi? He was as conservative as could be and he still got crushed by Dick Durbin.

The answer to the GOP's problems isn't to alienate more voters by becoming more conservative and more extreme, we have to run a good candidate with a proven record of winning. Mark Kirk is such a candidate. I touched on this subject in my blog a few days ago.

Anonymous said...

At the Young Republicans event last week, Rep. Bassi said it best:

Replacing one Republican with another isn't going to change a thing when the numbers continue to overwhelmingly favor Democrats. We need to replace Democrats with Republicans. Anything else just perpetuates the current political scene in Illinois.

Would this state be in such a horrible mess and a laughing stock of the nation with Governor Judy Barr Topinka at the helm?


Louis G. Atsaves

Publia said...

I would suggest that the problem with Al Salvi's campaign was other issues and not the fact that he was identified as a conservative. That being said, we do need to recognize that dating back to the day of Abraham Lincoln the Republican party was NOT a conservative party, and there is still a distinctive liberal Republican component in Illinois.

The best place to resolve liberal/conservative differences is in the primaries, and I would ask my fellow Republicans to make a pledge today to back candidates who win primaries. We must present a united front to the Democrats. We all want our way, but if we can't give that up after the primaries we are doomed to failure. The Democrats know this and seek to drive a wedge into our big tent at every opportunity.

Let's rise above this and get on with the business of giving Illinois a two party system once again.

Anonymous said...

King Louis,

Judy and Andy in any other party in America would have been ex-communicated for basnishing such a leader as Peter Fitzgerald from office. The man has brought down 2 sitting governors, a white house chief of staff, half of the democratic party.

Remember if Andy and Judy had their way, there would have been no Patrick Fitzgerald.

She and McKenna, and that thug Ray LaHood who is now a DEMOCRAT appointee, were all awful leaders.

My friends in New York tell me that that Senate Race will cost $50 million and with roll call reporting that no one wants to give GOPers money with the recession on and the party likely tobe out of office for some time, I think Mark has a tough fight.

He will need to take conservative/good positions on life/gays/guns/judges, positions he hasn't taken thus far to even win Republicans.

I think we are 4-6 years away or sooner if we dump Tom Cross, the woman who may run the senate and mckenna.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that purging and then reorganizing is the way to go here. I see that you want the following purged before any GOP action is taken: McKenna, Topinka, Cross, Radogno, LaHood. Others want to add Kirk to this list.

And they will be replaced by . . . . ?

This strict ideological "purging" action may make a few folks that call themselves Republicans feel better but will it help elect more Republicans to office? Or will it make us smaller and weaker instead of meaner and leaner? I allow for leadership to make mistakes, I expect them to make a few. They too are human beings.

Or will the GOP end up with a permanent weight disorder from repeated purgings. I for one feel that we should instead focus our attention on replacing more Democrats with Republicans. Until we become a majority party or a party with more parity, the purgings will just further emanciate the party in my humble opinion.

I would rather not be part of a permanently emanciated party but would rather rebuilt with what we have and improve it along the way. Replacing Republicans with other Republicans guarantees that we will remain locked out of power statewide. We use our individual strengths and work around our individual weaknesses.

Like a football team, some can punt a ball a mile or catch it, others are great tacklers. We mold those divergent parts together into a successful team, instead of looking for 48 superstar quarterbacks.

Are there faults with our current state GOP leadership? Yes. I believe that if you ask them directly, they will admit to their faults and shortcomings. I too have my faults and shortcomings just like the rest of us do.

Those claiming to have not faults or shortcomings are named "Rod Blagojevich."

Louis G. Atsaves

Anonymous said...

Is this off the posted subject??
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