Thursday, May 8, 2008

McCain, Not Obama, Better Choice to Prevent War In Iran; Mark Kirk Fights to Add Israel to Missile Defense Blanket (UPDATED)

ROLL CALL ARTICLE: Here's a no-subscription link to that great article from Roll Call that we discussed yesterday.

One of Barack Obama's primary political platform planks is the notion that we don't talk enough to terrorist nations. Lots of other U.S. presidents talked to all sorts of nasty leaders and countries over the years, and there's nothing to be afraid of. It will increase our standing in the world and make our friends forget about George Bush, and the terrorists will lay down their arms and embrace lattes and soccer games on weekends, just like us folks in Hyde Park do.

Here's another scenario: Countries like Iran will see an Obama presidency as weak on asserting its interests globally and will test its mettle, especially against Israel. Iran will see little to lose in continuing to march towards nuclear weapons capability, which will lead Israel to react to preserve itself, much like its recent bombing of the reactor in Syria. Iran will count on being able to withstand an Israeli air attack on its nuclear facilities, which are deep underground, and will then have a great excuse to go to war with Israel. The U.S., of course, will be drawn in, and no amount of the Barack-star's silver-tongued rhetoric will get us out of that mess.

John McCain is the best shot we have at avoiding that scenario, but it will be a challenge to make that point in the coming months. In today's Wall Street Journal, Daniel Henninger observes:

John McCain needs to find an Achilles heel in this opponent. It's there – not the Wright mess but Obama's dustup with Hillary Sunday on Iran, when he tagged her for "saber rattling" and "tough talk."

Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, collector of centrifuges, makes Jeremiah Wright look like Little Bo Peep. Yet this Tuesday Barack Obama said he assumes the American people will see it is "not weakness, but wisdom to talk not just to our friends, but our enemies, like Roosevelt did, Kennedy did, and Truman did." In the here and now, a more apt name comes to mind: Jimmy Carter.

A grand Enemies Tour awaits President Obama – Iran's Ahmadinejad, Syria's Assad, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, North Korea's Kim Jong Il, an al Qaeda "diplomat" from Osama bin Laden, Sudan's Hassan al-Bashir, Zimbabwe's Mugabe, Burma's junta.

Someone who understands this all better than most is... you guessed it... Congressman Mark Kirk.

As the 60th anniversary of the creation of Israel approaches, Kirk has renewed his efforts to convince President Bush to give Israel the advanced X-band radar system that would enable Israel to knock down Iranian missiles early in flight. Kirk is working on this bi-partisan effort with Jane Harman (D-Calif.) and has the backing of 63 colleagues, according to an article today in Roll Call (subscription needed to view). According to the article, Kirk stated that X-band radar would "allow Israel and the United States to see the earth through a common window" and more than quintuple Israel's warning time against an Iranian missile attack from one minute with its current system to six minutes and allow an intercept with Arrow missiles outside Israeli territory.

Even Senator Clinton seems to understand the need to take a hard line with Iran, or at least she understands it better than Obama. The Roll Call article stated:

Clinton said last month that the United States could "totally obliterate" Iran if it attacked Israel with nuclear weapons. She also proposed extending America's nuclear "umbrella" to Arab states in the region to keep them from "going nuclear."

Kirk, while not opposing deterrence, said that including Israel fully in the U.S. missile-defense system would be a better alternative, particularly because "deterrence only works against a rational regime" that would not risk destruction of its own population. Iran's leaders, on the other hand, adore martyrdom.

As usual, Kirk's deep understanding of foreign policy and intelligence shines through. Obama, however, who aspires to be the commander-in-chief, has a naive view of the world that comes with his Hyde Park liberal background, and will put us in a very dangerous place if he should win in November. McCain and Kirk hopefully will not let this happen.

SEAL WATCH: If anyone still bothers to go over to the 'other blog', it's interesting how Ellen never posts on anything positive challenger Dan Seals does, and simply seeks to criticize whatever Mark Kirk does. Could it be because... Dan Seals does nothing to talk about? Oh, I do have to point out that at least one Seals supporter wrote into the Daily Herald to trumpet Dan's ability to organize a park cleanup on Earth Day. That's swell, lady. Mark Kirk is out there, trying to protect the world from terrorism, our kids from Internet predators, and Lake Michigan from pollution, and Dan cleans up a park on his off Saturday. Well, you don't need to guess who I'm voting for...


Anonymous said...

I'm a ROLL CALL subscriber, TA so I read Mort Kondracke's great piece today. Any chance you want to post it for others to read? I know it's a bit long and not something that goes up on a Blog, but maybe you'd like to make an exception on this one.

Today is Israel's official Birthday. Because of Congressman Mark Kirk's leadership, not just in the past couple of years, but ever since he came to the office of his predecessor, John Porter, Mark Kirk has shown an unusual understanding of the complexities of that region of the world. Ever since he became our Congressman in 2001, Mark Steven Kirk has been the undisputed bi-partisan LEADER on every pro-Israel issue. Nobody can argue that statement. Many vote in support of the State of Israel. It is Mark Kirk's LEADERSHIP that makes him the stand up, stand out go-to guy on this issue. His "birthday" gift to help insure the future of the State of Israel is this incredible Missile Defense plan and it comes at a critical time in that nation's history.

Don't even bother to browse that other Blog. She's so out of touch with reality and filled with vicious hate that she renders herself useless. And she thinks you're paying people to see what nonsense she's spewing? She's sick, TA, with a capital S. I find her scary, don't you?

Team America said...

Anon 1:21- since Roll Call is a subscriber-only publication, I think the idea is they are trying to protect their work product and would look askance (i.e., sue me) if I re-published their article without permission.

Plus, if they want to charge for their content, I respect that--it's the American way. Only the far left-wing Dems and socialists believe that they have a entitlement to the fruit of everyone else's labors without paying for it. So, apart from using a few quotes as fair use, people will just have to pony up if they want Roll Call as a resource. I agree, it was a great article, though.

As to Ellen, her latest rant is that everyone who posts on her blog in support of Kirk MUST be a paid supporter who is "assigned" to monitor her blog and post pro-Kirk comments (otherwise, she's convinced that no sane voter in the 10th district could possibly support Kirk who is not on the payroll). She made the same accusations about me when I used to post there.

I am friends with Lou Atsaves, for example, and can vouch that's he's not paid by Kirk, and is simply a Kirk supporter who is frustrated by the bullshit he reads on that blog.

Nowadays, I only go over there to see what craziness is going on... know thine enemy and all that.

Publia said...

Zero chance that the rogue states will take up latte drinking, at least not at any official behest. Michelle Obama has announced that Barack's administration will be all about the children and education. In short--no foreign policy at all.

Those Obama coffee klatches will
take place while the Obamas are on vacation, visiting around the globe explaining why now they are so proud of America. I think they will spell it with one "k".

God help us.

Anonymous said...


When I ask for facts "over there" the elitist conspiracy theorists lead by their catty blog site leader bristle and attack. It's like throwing cold water on a bunch of alley cats.

Ellen needs to worry about hundreds of those black helicopters hovering over her airspace right now depriving her of her rights, one helicopter and one right at a time, not to mention the environmental havoc they must be creating on her block!

All kidding aside, in her world, America is a grim, dreary country conspiring to inflict upon us the worst human nature had to offer.

She also thought it was a grim and dreary country conspiring to inflict upon us the worst human nature had to offer when Republicans controlled Congress. Now that Democrats control Congress her views haven't changed.

And so she gets angrier and angrier, stuck in her own little quicksand of illogic of her own making, sinking deeper and deeper as she lashes out.

Fortunately the 10th Congressional District is filled with others with far more saner viewpoints and perspectives.

Louis G. Atsaves

Anonymous said...

There is no question McCain would be the better choice to prevent war in Iran; Obama can't make decisions; it's reflected in his voting record in the Illinois Senate - Absent or Present on any major issues. Is this what we want? Well, it's what we are going to get if we do not take the future welfare of this nation seriously.

Vote smart - vote McCain

PossibleFuture said...

TA: "terrorists will lay down their arms and embrace lattes and soccer games on weekends"?

Do you have an assistant writing for you? That's the first time I've read such cynical and lame comments from you. Doesn't seem your style.

Team America said...

PF- well, I was in a rush, but I stand by my comments. I guess the "latte" issue is more of a concern for me lately the more we come to understand of Obama and his wife, and their true stripes.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the sentiment that "only the far left-wing Dems and socialists believe that they have a entitlement to the fruit of everyone else's labors without paying for it."

Why on earth did Mark vote for Barney Frank's housing bailout bill that passed today???

Anonymous said...

The Frank bill cost onlt $1.7 billion and solves a trillion dollar problem in our economy and stock markets.

PossibleFuture said...

Yikes! Mr. & Mrs. Obama = latte? Now I'm sure someone else is writing your stuff, TA.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Mark Kirk would say yes to a bill that violates the most bedrock GOP principles: don't use my money to bail out irresponsible borrowers and lenders, while intervening in the market to artificially prop up prices!

You're smoking some serious crack if you think it costs $1.7 bn. It's a $300 billion bill, and it opens the floodgates for more once that amount is used up. Once someone gets a bailout, everyone gets a bailout.

That's why all but 39 republicans voted against this bill.

Anonymous said...

Thanks TA for finding a way to share the ROLL CALL piece. I'd never want to infringe on the rights of others, I just wanted
your readers to have access to what Mort Kondracke so brilliantly states about OUR Congressman.

And here's a message for our friend Lou. Don't give that sick catwoman more opportunities to trash you. She and her disgustingly outrageous buddies need to be ignored, reviled, and just plain rebuffed for their comments and tactics. They sound like they've attended Rev. Wright's Church. I've stopped reading her filth. She's a twisted woman with a cat as her trusted companion. Stay away, Lou, why dignify her with your presence over there. TA has provided everyone with a forum that's now THE place to be. She's nothing but ancient history.

Anonymous said...

Kirk leads again on bipartisan cooperation to defend Israel

Anonymous said...

Looks like Seals can't get attention in the mainstream media, so he's holding press conferences for high school student reporters.

I wonder if the kids know that Seals used them as props for his Web site. A real reporter would lose it if a candidate put his or her picture on a political Web site.

And it's good to see that Dan is pushing more Rahm legislation. It's becoming more evident that he doesn't have ideas of his own.

But then again, for Seals' standards, this was a pretty good week. Kirk is beating you by 21 points, he's still getting mad media play, and you still don't have a job.

But you did "change" the district in 2006. So you have that going for you.

Team America said...

Good point about the high school journalists, Joe. To be fair, I wonder if there was full disclosure on the part of the Seals campaign that the high schoolers would be used as part of a propaganda piece on Seals' website when they posed for that picture. Regardless of whether they posed for the picture knowing the photo would be used on a campaign website, it's probably a good lesson for the 'journalists' in training on how easily politicians can manipulate the press if you don't have your guard up. But, if I were those kids, and I didn't give my knowing permission to use that photo in that way, I'd demand that Seals take it down.

This isn't the first time Seals has turned to high schoolers to get his message out, either.

Is the high school set the best the Seals' camp earned media department can do?

Anonymous said...

Dan's had 3 years to make the sale to the north shore with the same message he's going to use in the fall and hasn't gotten it done, if anything Mark's polling show's he's gone backwards.

The district flat out does not want a Schakowsky/Blago clone who's anti-national defense, anti-Israel-look at all his pro-pa netroots comments and support, and has a negative extremist message.

It's really no wonder that according to the RJC and gallup the democrats are poised to get the worst support they have gotten in recent memory from the jewish community in the fall.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, great post! The Pup and his team think they're fooling the folks in this district with the kids in that photo - not by a longshot. And you are right. Let's hope that the kids were told that they're 'shilling' for Seals. My hunch is that it's just another stunt by Mark Kirk's opponent. Perhaps Jan and Rahm gave him that great idea.

Speaking of Jan. So she wants to be the junior Senator from IL if Obama changes his address to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Heaven help us and our nation. This whole election gets scarier and more frightening with each passing day.

Watch OUR Congressman Kirk on City Desk on Sunday, May 11 at 9:30 a.m on Channel 5. Mr. Kirk has been on TV, all over the airwaves, in the press and at events every week. His leadership is recognized and appreciated on issues ranging from food allergies, internet safety for our kids, transportation, and Israel's future existence. And his opponent? Hello? Anyone home? Silence. That dud is waiting for his cue from his talented team. Business as usual for that guy.

Anonymous said...

TA, you wrote "and Dan cleans up a park on his off Saturday." Color me confused, but which off day would that be? Aren't they all off days for him? ;-)

Don Castella said...

Sen. Obama is simply wrong to seek negoitiations with implacable adversaries. In a March, 2005 interview, Iranian ex-pat activists Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi and her husband Elio Bonazzi explain why:

"In many occasions, Westerners assume that everybody in the world shares their standard behavior; basically they project their mentality onto all counterparts. And here is where, in the case of Iran, they dramatically fail. The Islamist establishment that unfortunately today governs that country is not interested in making the best possible deal with the West. Its only interest is the destruction of the infidels and their corrupt world."

"While in the West the act of engagement is absolutely neutral, and doesn’t imply giving in, but simply to sit down and negotiate, in the mentality of the mullahs to engage basically means that the counterpart proposing engagement feels weak, and tries to beg for a deal from an inferior position."

Clearly, many liberal utopian dreamers suffer from this self-induced blindness and unwarranted idealism. Unfortunately such gross disconnection from reality can be fatal when facing threats from real irrational tyrants.

Team America said...

"While in the West the act of engagement is absolutely neutral, and doesn’t imply giving in, but simply to sit down and negotiate, in the mentality of the mullahs to engage basically means that the counterpart proposing engagement feels weak, and tries to beg for a deal from an inferior position."

Don- that's a great quote, and the most succinct statement I've read to answer the Obama/Seals question of "What's wrong with talking [to terrorists]" that I've seen.