Among the parade highlights were some civil war re-enactors, the Caputo's Cheese Truck, lots and lots of cheerleaders and drum corps marchers, and of course, our GOP candidates: Bob Dold for the 10th Congressional District, Sheriff Mark Curran, State Rep. Candidate Lauren Turelli, and many more. The Women's Republican Club of Lake Forest/Lake Bluff also had a bunch of "Freedom Umbrella" marchers with some take-back-our-government type signs. Check out my pix:
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Bob Dold and Lake County GOP Make Strong Showing In Lake Bluff; Dan Seals AWOL
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GREAT, GREAT photos, TA. Many thanks for such a great review of the parade in Lake Bluff. Regardless of all the craziness of the campaign season, today is a day to stop, take note of how truly fortunate we are to live in this great land. If we could just remember how great it feels to salute the flag, to honor the men and women who make it possible for us to live in freedome and security. Let's see if we can remember how great TODAY feels when tomorrow's light of day dawns.
Your desperation for something to criticize Seals about is showing. He had 6 parades on his schedule today. You won't see Dems criticizing Dold for not showing up at all of those towns, though, because there are many substantive, real issues to criticize Dold for. How about supporting lobbying to use extermination chemicals in schools without notifying parents? Or being anti-choice and misleading voters about it? Or being endorsed by Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum - the same group that works against women's rights and accessible daycare? He can skip parades, but it would be nice if he skipped the dangerous, unpopular positions on issues as well.
Dold chose those communities where he's appreciated and not mocked by those who continue to say what's clearly NOT his message. Hard to believe that you can say what you've said about 10th Dems not criticizing Bob Dold. TA's post was all about celebrating this 4th of July and all we have to be thankful for by being in America.
Anon @ 5:49
I'm shocked to hear that Bob Dold isn't going out of his way to include his far right positions in his message.
And just so you know Anon @ 5:49 message and reality often have little to do with each other. So please feel free to attack me for not hewing to Bob Dold's message
So I guess Dold has a limited choice of communities where he's not mocked? You're not making a very good case for him. And TA's point about Seals going to Highland Park? Gee, that doesn't sound a tinge anti-Semitic.......
Hey, I tip my hat off to both Dold and Seals, and their respective teams, yesterday. Five parades each, I think, is no small feat.
Also, it is untrue that the candidates are avoiding challenging places, Seals was in Palatine and Dold was in Deerfield---> not exactly their respective basecamp locations.
Let's keep 2010 positive, from time-to-time, and give the people of the 10th what they deserve.
Happy Independence Day!
Will Sarah Palin campaign for Dold? I certainly hope so. It would be unfortunate if his ideological and political mentor does not strongly support him and campaign for him. It would be also sad to miss a Sarah Palin show in IL10.
10th Voter, that's the kind of idiotic statement that makes it more difficult to get people to care when people really are anti-Semitic or otherwise racist. Fact is, certain communities are known to trend Democratic and certain ones are known to trend Republican. That can be shown just by the voting results. Based on past election results, I suppose I could have said that Seals would have gotten an overall warmer reception in Waukegan than Lake Bluff (except that you would have called me a racist) and the fact it, I heard that he was going to be in Highland Park, not Waukegan. Seals would probably also be more welcome in Wilmette than Lake Bluff, which isn't known for anything except being home to a lot of lakefront liberals (and having a nice harbor, of course), and therefore would be a more supportive venue for Seals. Got nothing to do with race issues.
Save your charges of anti-Semitism for the real thing.
Bowel Wind, is campaigning against who he/she wished Seals is running against, not who Seals is really running against.
If Bowel Wind has influence over the Seals campaign, then Seals is in grave danger. :-)
Just read a blog that said Seals was too lazy to make it to Northbrook parade even though his website said he would make it.... ( can't verify if this is true because I didn't check out the Seals contingent in Northbrook)
Folks, let's tone it down with the "bowel wind" and similar comments. The Dems have proven they can dish it out, but can't take it, and I don't want to have anyone on this blog being responsible for hurting someone's little feelings.
I dont care if the same anonymous person keeps calling me "bowel wind" and other names. If that's the best he/she can do, that's fine with me. I would not expect much more from supporters of Sarah Palin, Bob Dold and other tea-partiers. Dont worry, I am not offended.
Anon 7:11 and TA have it exactly right. Blue and others who continue to foment falsehoods and totally false represensations of Bob Dold's positions make it almost impossible to tolerate their posts any longer. TA, thanks for setting the record straight on why candidates choose or don't choose parades. Many overlap. It's a challenge to run from one town to another knowing that you have to try to just fit into the already moving parade, relying on two groups of volunteers to hold the fort until the candidate arrives.
It's so easy, so much fun for these Democrats to shoot daggers and darts that are without merit. They seem to feel that they know what's in the head and hearts of candidates.
Today is still a day for us to revel in the fact that we're lucky as hell to be Americans. Off to the Arlington Heights parade. See you there, TA.
TA, Dan Seals was in Highland Park. He seemed miffed that he had no. 64 (we Republicans were at 42) in the parade position lineup. Finally, when the 10th District Democrats (No. 23) began marching, the entire Seals contingent including Seals bolted and "joined" their fellow Democrats at No. 23.
He would have finished at 12:15 noon (we finished at 12:30 pm) so he could have run off to another parade. Most of us try to hit the Deerfield parade down the street.
The six volunteer parade starters at the Highland Park train station were furious. To quote two after that happened: "Fxxxx Seals, I'm voting for Dold." So we gave them Dold stickers AND THEY PUT THEM ON! Every marching group from that point forward saw parade officials wearing Dold stickers.
The HP Fire Department and local armed services veterans kicked off the parade. The parade theme was a salute to veterans. They lined up on the street just next to our parking lot position and all wanted Kirk, Turelli and Brady T-Shirts, signs, stickers and buttons. Quite frankly, we Republicans aren't used having people walk up to us and ASK us for such items in Highland Park.
For the hour while we lined up and waited, we had a steady stream of people come up and ask for signs and T-shirts. We then later saw them standing in the crowd wearing the shirts! Fortunately we were well stocked in T-shirts and signs.
As several of us Republican veterans in the area remarked, was this really Highland Park?
When marching, we Republicans usually get booed and cat called by some at the Highland Park Parade. This year the response we received was far more positive than anything I've experienced in a decade in that parade.
Marching was Carl Marcyan, Republican candidate for County Board with two beautiful banner and a hot looking Chevy Corvette, with a good contingent of young marchers, and Robert Enriquez, Republican candidate for Illinois Secretary of State. Everyone should pay more attention to these two candidates, they are both phenomenal campaigners and candidates!
Helping things out was a Dixieland Jazz marching group playing some terrific tunes right behind us.
I did hear that the Eagle Forum endorsed Bob Dold, not realizing that he is pro-choice, from someone claiming to be an Eagle Forum official at the parade. According to him, they are in the process of wiping the eggs off of their faces and revoking that endorsement now that they know Dold's true stance on that topic. He claimed that he "infiltrated" a recent 10th Democrat Congressional event where he "learned" that Dold was "solidly pro-life" and then passed the information along to the "Eagle Forum" endorsement team.
I see from "10th Voter" that exterminating bugs, roaches, mice and other disease carrying creatures in public schools is being used as a "campaign issue" by certain Democrats, in particular the perpetually critical and unhappy "Ellen of the 10th." Ellen has been marshaling "facts" that are critical of spraying cock roaches, maggots, lice, ants, etc. in public buildings such as schools, hospitals, restaurants, grocery stores, etc. Perhaps they prefer that schools, hospitals and other public buildings turn into varmint infested centers spreading disease?
Or that kids come home from school with roaches in their backpacks?
Democrats! Unreal! Still telling lies. Still unable to govern. Cheating and taking advantage even in parades (did those 15 minutes really make a difference there Dan Seals?).
Want real change? Vote Republican.
Louis G. Atsaves
TA, Dan Seals was in Highland Park. He seemed miffed that he had no. 64 (we Republicans were at 42) in the parade position lineup. Finally, when the 10th District Democrats (No. 23) began marching, the entire Seals contingent including Seals bolted and "joined" their fellow Democrats at No. 23.
He would have finished at 12:15 noon (we finished at 12:30 pm) so he could have run off to another parade. Most of us try to hit the Deerfield parade down the street.
The six volunteer parade starters at the Highland Park train station were furious. To quote two after that happened: "Fxxxx Seals, I'm voting for Dold." So we gave them Dold stickers AND THEY PUT THEM ON! Every marching group from that point forward saw parade officials wearing Dold stickers.
The HP Fire Department and local armed services veterans kicked off the parade. The parade theme was a salute to veterans. They lined up on the street just next to our parking lot position and all wanted Kirk, Turelli and Brady T-Shirts, signs, stickers and buttons. Quite frankly, we Republicans aren't used having people walk up to us and ASK us for such items in Highland Park.
For the hour while we lined up and waited, we had a steady stream of people come up and ask for signs and T-shirts. We then later saw them standing in the crowd wearing the shirts! Fortunately we were well stocked in T-shirts and signs.
As several of us Republican veterans in the area remarked, was this really Highland Park?
When marching, we Republicans usually get booed and cat called by some at the Highland Park Parade. This year the response we received was far more positive than anything I've experienced in a decade in that parade.
Marching was Carl Marcyan, Republican candidate for County Board with two beautiful banner and a hot looking Chevy Corvette, with a good contingent of young marchers, and Robert Enriquez, Republican candidate for Illinois Secretary of State. Everyone should pay more attention to these two candidates, they are both phenomenal campaigners and candidates!
Helping things out was a Dixieland Jazz marching group playing some terrific tunes right behind us.
I did hear that the Eagle Forum endorsed Bob Dold, not realizing that he is pro-choice, from someone claiming to be an Eagle Forum official at the parade. According to him, they are in the process of wiping the eggs off of their faces and revoking that endorsement now that they know Dold's true stance on that topic. He claimed that he "infiltrated" a recent 10th Democrat Congressional event where he "learned" that Dold was "solidly pro-life" and then passed the information along to the "Eagle Forum" endorsement team.
Democrats! Unreal! Still telling lies. Still unable to govern. Cheating and taking advantage even in parades (did those 15 minutes really make a difference there Dan Seals?).
Want real change? Vote Republican.
Louis G. Atsaves
10th Voter feels that it would be OK to allow schools to become invested with disease carrying roaches, mice, rats, ants and other disease carrying creatures.
I notice this is a position that Ellen is espousing on her website.
Explain please? Schools. Hospitals. Grocery stores. Restaurants. Food purveyors.
Want bug infestation to run wild spreading diseases? Want little children to bring home roaches in their backpacks after going to school?
Just say so!
Louis G. Atsaves
Lou, it seems that some voters are finally realizing that they've had enough of this hope and change craziness. It also appears that many in the 10th district are wise to the continuing antics of Seals. Several reports about Seals bolting from his assigned place in the Highland Park line for the parade. Typical behavior. He's the also ran guy. Almost like always a bridesmaid and never a bride. Seals offers nothing to the voters or to the nation. When Democrats in Highland Park are waking from slumber then you know that there's a new wind blowing and it's not coming from Blue Wind.
Hate to break it to all you republicans, but real pro-choice people do not say that overturning Roe v. Wade is just not realistic right now, as Dold has said. They say we can't let that happen. So even if Eagle Forum removes him from their list (to help him, of course), he has shown his true beliefs.
And as a parent of 3 school age kids, I know that our schools have always notified parents when there would be any spraying for bugs - as they should. These lobbying efforts were about doing it secretly. You folks sure are selective about which facts you pay attention to, which I guess is the only way to rationalize supporting a right-winger who claims to be right for this district.
King Louis Astaves the Ellen pup and alexi slayer ,
Good work, and thanks for the intel. Mark used to campaign in deerfield, and it's good the two towns coordinate on their parades so that people can get to both.
Not a shock on the pup. You'd think after 6 years of parades he'd have figured out by now how to work these things. With all that hard work he does at his day job-snark snark-no wonder he messed this up.
Pretty funny that the 10th Democrats wouldn't let Dan march with them. Perhaps we are seeing the beginning of a revolt or even the hoffman for congress 2012 effort.
This column runs tomorrow in the washington post and while it's about a democrat from colorado it could just as easily and should be about mark, the reasons this guy likes senator bennet are pretty much the reasons most of us like mark and as we head into a fall campaign where alexi, bowel wind, catlady and every other scumbag out there will tell us how having a stupid embarassing senator is cool, it's worth remembering what this columnist said.
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