The Friedman Dinner will be held at the Heather Ridge Clubhouse, 5900 Heather Ridge Drive, Gurnee, IL 60031, and the keynote speaker will be John Tillman, CEO, Illinois Policy Institute. There will also be a panel discussion with comments from several members of the Illinois General Assembly. Tickets are $50.00 and can be purchased online at warrengop.com. Cocktails start at 6:00 PM and dinner is at 7:00 PM.
The Warren GOP folks are doing a lot of things right,and we could all learn from them. John Tillman is a good, well-informed, provocative speaker. Come enjoy an interesting program, and support the Warren organization at the same time.
- David Barkhausen
the dccc-the democrats congressional recruiting arm announced their 35 top recruits this morning covering every single top race they are targeting except one.
that would be the 10th confirming my theory that they have failed thus far to recruit a marquee candidate to run for the seat.
I have to commend Mike Amrozowicz as the chairman of Warren Township Republicans. In my experience he has proven himself to be the best township chairman I have ever been around. He has Warren operating like it should.
Mike Amro is a good guy and is working hard in Warren. But i was disappointed that he wasn't much of a Kirk supporter in the sneate race. Is he supporting Dold?
Ammo is not anti-Kirk, he's simply a conservative. However he is good to lock down his R support after each primary. I've personally heard him say good things about Kirk. I don't know if he is a solid Dold guy but I have heard him speak highly of Dold in the past.
I think that's tomorrow. I'm going to try to make it. Going to Keith Brin's thing at Mickey Finn's tonight.
A great dinner with some exciting debate from John Tillman and several elected legislators on the panel. Congrats to Mike for a nice event.
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