Oddly, we heard nothing more from Bond on the Internet for some time, until over this past weekend, when a finished website for his congressional race finally went "live."
Even more oddly, though, the new Bond campaign website has a new address: http://www.bond2010.com/

The logo is very similar (sorry for the break, I had to capture the image from the website in two pieces), and it is unquestionably a 10th Congressional campaign website, as it is paid for by Michael Bond for Congress, and includes a 10th District map.
But why the change, and why the more 'generic' sounding website name? And why is the MichaelBondforCongress website still posting a "coming soon" message and not re-directing folks to the new site?
Is Bond still hedging that if Mark Kirk stays home to run for a 6th congressional term, Bond will bail and run again for the 31st state senate district (against, presumeably, County Board Chairwoman Suzi Schmidt, who announced for the race some weeks ago) or maybe a state-wide office?
Mark Kirk in the News: Congressman Mark Kirk has been making some news lately. Here's a wrap-up->>>> Politico quotes Kirk in an article regarding the comeback of the GOP. Kirk continues his fight against earmarks and lobbyists who get rich off them, as reported by various sources. Kirk (singlehandedly it seems, sometimes) continues to stand up for Israel against the Iranian regime, sympathizers and business interests. Kirk helps to promote hybrid buses with bi-partisan support. Finally, Kirk helps get more funding for Great Lakes cleanups.
Wow. Kinds leaves ya breathless, doesn't it? Meanwhile, Bond bullies Metra into taking credit cards, but gives them no money to pay for it. Swell.
Kirk also made the Colbert Report last night, with his introduction of the Republican (3 page) "health plan" getting laughed at.
Anon 10:39, I wouldn't be so quick to say that the Republican health care plan is gettin laughed at. It isn't. Many of the issues are, as a matter of record, included in what your side of the aisle is proposing. I hope you don't get sick drinking the Kool Aid you so obviously enjoy. Next time, do some research, get some facts, know what you're trashing before you trash it. Americans deserve a bi-partisan approach to healthcare reform. Hopefully, in the end, that's what will be adopted. We all know that some, not all, of the healthcare issues do need to be addresed. And, for the record, 4pages just outlines where REAL changes would be found. Now the challenges, on both sides of the aisle, come in how to pay for all of this reform.
A health care plan with no numbers in it IS laughable. Sorry, Kirk fans.
Need any of us remind YOU that the Democrat plans lack the DETAILS and the cost. What the CBO has scored is one thing, what the proponents of these plans have produced have NO DOLLAR AMOUNTS. Can we deal with facts and reality?
Tonight's "infomercial" from the guy at 1600 should be interesting. Let's see if some concrete details are laid out, but don't bet on it.
Both sides need to put the entire cost to the nation out for discussion. The details in the nearly 1000 pages of 'plans' needs that old, tired transparency. Easy to say, seems impossible to produce. What the Republicans are advocating doesn't impact the budget. And YOUR plan?
The 10th Amendment states that all powers that aren't reserved for the federal government, in the Constitution, are reserved for the states. I read every word of the Constitution, and I didn't see the word "healthcare" or "medical." Therefore, any involvement, of the federal government, in healthcare, is unconstitutional. Rep. Kirk should ask the other congressmen to obey the Constitution.
Conservative Veteran
mark's top health staffer, jeanette windon left 2 years ago for the state department, meaning he has a legislative novice whose job it is to come up with a plan to reform 17 percent of our economy. That's how you get a 3 page report. the white house has an entire trillion dollar agency, every think tank in town, and access to every top democrat in the country. Mark has a 33,000 dollar a year girl fresh out of college reading brookings instiuttion and aei reports. Your son playing madden 09 would do a better job at coming up with a scheme for the bears offense than this aide would. In the house with young staff you can do cute things like ammendments or maybe work on a bill, but stuff like health care is for the big boys.
I'm tired of beating a dead horse, but there's no reason bond should even be considering this race. McKenna is earning the lauren beth gash award for blowing excellent opportunities in not building a party in the wake of dem failure at the state level. Remember 10 years ago, John Porter a much more liberal congressman than mark who did a lot less district work energy wise had no competition.
Foklaes, I'm not sure where you come off with your comments about the current DC Kirk staff. Jeannette Windon was NOT Porter's lead staffer on healthcare. That aside, cut out the nasty comments on what the Tuesday Group has prepared on healthcare. Have you even seen it? You imply that you know a great deal, but the names you drop on current and past staff lead me to believe that you are not who you say you are. Period.
To say that what Baucus and Grassley are touting or, worse yet, what Kennedy/Dodd would like to cram down our throats is great stuff devised by some brilliant, high paid White House types is so off base that it doesn't deserve a comment. A couple of weeks ago Mr. Kirk did one great Town Hall which was devoted entirely to the issue of healthcare. The whiners, the complainers, the SEIU meeting disrupters didn't get to first base. Why? Because other than the SEIU dimwits, the rest actuallly approved of what Mr. Kirk was proposing. So, knock it off, Foklaes, and leave the staff alone. Especially the staffers who are working overtime to help Mark and the Tuesday Group present a real alternative to what those high placed Democrats are trying to sell you. I have a bridge.........maybe you want to buy it with your Stimulus check.
To Anon,
There are only 2 people that could have your knowledge on this issue, a current Kirk staffer or a lobbyist for a health care concern, which I doubt because minority house members are the least lobbied people in d.c. I never brought up the tuesday group and seeing as how Kirk's plan got zippo coverage here, you are clearly part of team kirk.
As for the tuesday group, it would be better called the nobody group since it's pretty much a fact that it's the most impotent of the 4 house groups blue dogs, liberal dems, republican study group. Every moderate republican worth his salt has been defeated (charlie bass, jeb b-something who was a good dude, sue kelly, rob simmons, nancy johnson, fitzpatrick), retired ( wilson from new mexico who I really liked, boehlert,tom davis-the man who got mark huge nrcc bucks in 2000), quit or gone dem traitor (lahood, leach, shays if he gets the peace corps job)largely because moderate republicans like Mark have failed to stand up and carry the colors of the left wing of the republican party. Moderate Republicans have sat on their ellens and done NOTHING to raise money or stand up and fight.
As far as your health care plan goes, consider me pessimistic until proven otherwise. Kirk put forth a highly touted suburban strategy, given props in the weekly standard, in 2006 designed to save suburban moderates when we were in power, got much of it passed and then it ended up doing nothing to save the skins of sue kelly, fitzpatrick in pa, and Melissa hart. You're out of power and you honestly think nancy pelosi who campaign against Mark or one of the old bull party chairmen whose comittee mark doesn't even serve on is going to take this seriously.
Everyone else in politcs, blue dogs, republican study group, certainly the progressive caucus or whatever jan calls her commie brigade, has been fighting tough for the last 8 years while the house moderate republicans have been standing pat the same way mark's boy mckenna has done nothing.
Prove it, and then come talk to us.
I am neither a lobbyist or a staffer but one who does know the past and the present. For the record, Ms. Windon has been at the State Dept. for 5 years. This blog is not the proper forum for a serious discussion and debate on healthcare. Had you come to the Town Hall meeting in Wilmette a few weeks ago you would have seen and heard what I was privileged to understand on healthcare. It's just that simple. I don't have to prove a thing. Call the Kirk office and have them give you the details of what sensible healthcare reform should address. And can we agree to stop the incessant McKenna attacks. How about staying on message and not attacking those who honestly are trying to get this 'train' back on the track. After watching and listening to the Obama infomercial tonight it's just a question of time before clear thinking Americans will see through the charade of this administration and it's Kool Aid approach to the ills that beset us.
Windon left kirk in 2007. It's on legistorm.com. Thanks.
As for McKenna, bite my ellen. He runs peter fitzgerald (who was a GREAT guy) out of the party, loses the seat and lets you know who get to the white house, does nothing to lead us the last 5 years, and has the charisma of a piece of paper. He's not visible in the media, claimed after the last cycle it was a success because mark got re-elected to a seat we didn't have to fight for 10 years ago, and thus far our top candidates for governor are a hack from cicero, and a state senator who endorsed obama. How much help did cool keith gray get last term, or fightin tim stratton? Why is mark held accountable here for bush in washington but all these lousy local state reps and senators get free passes for blago?
The party needs leaders ready to take hell to the democrats, not folks sitting on the sidelines putting up 3 page health care reform drivel with moderate organizations that do nothing but watch their members get defeated by dems, and certainly not party leaders who in 4 years can claim no statewide dem blood.
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