A refined, intelligent open forum for discussion about (mostly) local politics in the Tenth Congressional District and Lake County, Illinois.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Blago Guilty. So what (now)?....
As most anticipated, former Governor Rod Blagojevich is found guilty on 17 counts. A sad part of Illinois' history now has some closure, although it's not all over yet.
In any case, what impact, if any will this have on the next cycle's elections? Any?
you bring back the picture of 10th dems with blago and leave it there awhile in case people forget who they are and who their friends are.
One image defines 12 years of hypocrisy and b.s. of the 10th dems which we know are basically the 51st ward, doing the bidding of city hacks while pretending to be "independent".
They did something rare today-they finally created job-the one blago will be doing to earn commissary bucks in some federal prison starting in november.
Note should be taken of the absence of photos on Dem sites of corrupt former GOP Governor Ryan. At least families weren't killed by Blago's corruption.
And on the other side of the coin, it's noteworthy that TA has failed to note the passing a Lura Lynn Ryan today. Say what you will about the Governor, but Lura Lynn was a wonderful, gentle soul. Illinois, and the Illinois GOP just grow more venal with the loss of the likes of Mrs. Ryan, and Senator Geo-Karis. Black hearts and dark souls gain ground with you guys every day.
Anon 9:46, boy do you guys have short memories. Can it be true you do not recall the $20 million that Blago spent running for office the second time in which he plastered the video of Judy Baar Topinka dancing with Gov. Ryan, extolling him as a helluva guy, and calling Topinka "Ryan's Treasurer" (even though we all know that such state constitutional offices are separately elected).
And please, spare us the crocodile tears for Mrs. Ryan, and Geo for that matter. Like you really care about the GOP.
You confuse campaign ads with organizational sites like this one. But, no worries. You take the low road at every turn as we've come to expect. Witness your disgusting Memorial Day post.
My comment had nothing to do with my feelings, however sad, regarding the passing of a former first-lady of Illinois. My comment had to do with your absence of comment regarding her passing. But thank you for showing your petty, defensive nature.
To the Anonymous troller who conveniently forgot the loud and sustained outrage expressed by GOP bloggers and websites over convict Ryan, and who also conveniently forgot the lack of outrage expressed by Democratic bloggers and websites over convict Blagojevich, all I can say is . . .
Tell us, Louis, what is the difference between an anonymous post and one signed by, say, "foklaes" which is just an anonymous pseudonym?
Read the anon 9:46 post again. Neither you nor TA impeach that statement. Yeesh, even as a team you're not very good trial lawyers. But thanks for renewing the cutsey punctuation.
Just call me Team America. "TA" for short. I'm a lawyer (but a nice guy nevertheless), family man, moderate Republican and active in local politics, but someone who tries to keep an open mind and a healthy respect for differing views. While I may disagree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it.
you bring back the picture of 10th dems with blago and leave it there awhile in case people forget who they are and who their friends are.
Great idea, FOKLAES. Your wish is my command...
One image defines 12 years of hypocrisy and b.s. of the 10th dems which we know are basically the 51st ward, doing the bidding of city hacks while pretending to be "independent".
They did something rare today-they finally created job-the one blago will be doing to earn commissary bucks in some federal prison starting in november.
Note should be taken of the absence of photos on Dem sites of corrupt former GOP Governor Ryan. At least families weren't killed by Blago's corruption.
And on the other side of the coin, it's noteworthy that TA has failed to note the passing a Lura Lynn Ryan today. Say what you will about the Governor, but Lura Lynn was a wonderful, gentle soul. Illinois, and the Illinois GOP just grow more venal with the loss of the likes of Mrs. Ryan, and Senator Geo-Karis. Black hearts and dark souls gain ground with you guys every day.
Anon 9:46, boy do you guys have short memories. Can it be true you do not recall the $20 million that Blago spent running for office the second time in which he plastered the video of Judy Baar Topinka dancing with Gov. Ryan, extolling him as a helluva guy, and calling Topinka "Ryan's Treasurer" (even though we all know that such state constitutional offices are separately elected).
And please, spare us the crocodile tears for Mrs. Ryan, and Geo for that matter. Like you really care about the GOP.
You confuse campaign ads with organizational sites like this one. But, no worries. You take the low road at every turn as we've come to expect. Witness your disgusting Memorial Day post.
My comment had nothing to do with my feelings, however sad, regarding the passing of a former first-lady of Illinois. My comment had to do with your absence of comment regarding her passing. But thank you for showing your petty, defensive nature.
LOL. Apparently petty defensiveness is in the eye of the beholder.
LOL? Really? Text speak? Next we'll be getting Louis's cutesy little punctuation faces.
Stay classy!
To the Anonymous troller who conveniently forgot the loud and sustained outrage expressed by GOP bloggers and websites over convict Ryan, and who also conveniently forgot the lack of outrage expressed by Democratic bloggers and websites over convict Blagojevich, all I can say is . . .
Louis G. Atsaves
Tell us, Louis, what is the difference between an anonymous post and one signed by, say, "foklaes" which is just an anonymous pseudonym?
Read the anon 9:46 post again. Neither you nor TA impeach that statement. Yeesh, even as a team you're not very good trial lawyers. But thanks for renewing the cutsey punctuation.
Remember TA the 10th is no longer the uptight North Shore Crowd. They have regular working folks in it now!
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