Yesterday evening, I attended yet another edition of the Grant Township Lincoln Day dinner, which is always a lot of fun. As usual, the room was packed, the food was good, and the politicians were many, since the March primary is just around the corner. About the only Lake County candidate who was absent was Circuit Court Clerk Candidate and current Chief Deputy Keith
Brin, who was home sick with the flu. Current Circuit Clerk (of 32 years) Sally
Coffelt filled in for Keith during the ubiquitous 'naming of the officials', which was
emcee'd by County Board Member Bonnie Thompson Carter. And, boy, there were a lot of 'em.
The keynote speaker this year was State Treasurer Dan Rutherford, who was making good on his commitment to talk at this dinner a few years back, but he had to cancel because of his jaw being wired shut due to a mishap while he was on a ski vacation. Rutherford mentioned that he was coordinating the Illinois campaign for Mitt Romney, but he mostly focused on the future of the party. While he commended everyone for fighting for what they believed in (in terms of the 'social' issues), he emphasized that if the Republicans do not want to be resigned to being the party of the minority, they must rally around the common themes of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and lower taxes, and eschew the divisions that arise when Republicans impose a litmus test on candidates based on issues like abortion.
Since the recent redistricting, one big change in Grant Township is that Grant is now in the 10
th District, not the 8
th. This means that this coming election, Grant will be working to re-elect Congressman Robert
Dold, instead of Joe Walsh. Walsh and
Dold both spoke, and each commended the other, with Walsh imploring those from Grant to work just as hard (or harder) to support
Dold as they did for him, and
Dold pointing out that Walsh's tough battle in the new 8
th District means that everyone still needs to support him as well.
No door prizes for TA this year, but there's always next year. Here are my pix:

John and Jan
Zobus pose with political consultant extraordinaire (according to him anyway) Collin Corbett.

County Board candidate Jeff
Werfel, with County Treasurer Bob
Skidmore and State Representative
JoAnn Osmond.

Here's Jeff again with keynote speaker State Treasurer Dan Rutherford.

Retired Judge Jane Waller and State's Attorney Michael Waller.

Green Oaks Trustee Dan
Sugrue and 8
th District Congressman Joe Walsh

County Board Chairman David
Stolman, County Board Member Bonnie Thompson Carter, and Congressman Bob

County Board Members Linda
Pedersen and Steve Carlson.

Party hosts Walt and Nancy
Kubalanza bookend Dan Rutherford.

County Board Candidate Scott
Helton and
Moraine Township GOP Chairman Lou
Atsaves strike their best 'enforcer' pose. I'm glad I don't owe them money.

My fellow
Augustana alumni Kris Duffy and State Senator Dan Duffy.

Congressman Bob
Dold and Circuit Court Judge Dan

Sheriff Mark Curran and State's Attorney Candidate Bryan Winter.

State Rep. Sandy Cole and Judge

Circuit Court Clerk Sally
Coffelt and State's Attorney Candidate Louise Hayes.

Long-time GOP leader Bob Churchill, Recorder of Deeds candidate Bob
Bednar, and State Senate candidate Don
Castella (30
th District).

Judge Jimmy
Boras and GOP Chairman Bob Cook.
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