Sunday, February 26, 2012

Keith Brin Endorsed by Daily Herald for Lake County Circuit Court Clerk

My friend Keith Brin got the nod from the Daily Herald today in the Republican primary race for Lake County circuit Court Clerk. Says the Herald, "Keith Brin, a Highland Park resident and chief deputy for outgoing clerk Sally Coffelt, acknowledges the need for technological growth but points out that it must be done in a way that is both secure and fiscally responsible. ...we believe Brin’s experience as the deputy clerk and his realistic approach to moving forward with technological advances make him the stronger candidate." Nice.

Coincidentally, Brin is having a "Closing Arguments" fundraiser at Mickey Finn's tomorrow (Monday) beginning at 5:00 pm. See ya there!


Anonymous said...

You won't see me there. He will never have my support. He is hated in the court rooms by the clerks, the judges, and I hear by Sally Coffelt as well. He does nothing but bring further embarrassment to an already embarrassing county office. Mr. "cease and desist" Brin is just another crony hire stealing taxpayer money. Tout fiscal responsibility while you're running your "woman owned" private business on county time. More campaign rhetoric and lies.

Anonymous said...

Saturday night I had a few long discussions with a number of lawyers, judges and Sally Coffelt at a Lake County Bar Association function in Round Lake, IL, or Dietz' backyard.

"bettergovernment" speaks with a seriously forked tongue. All of them defended Brin and his conduct as deputy clerk and spoke glowingly of him and his work. Most expressed their anger at the Dietz campaign of baseless mudslinging.

These mindless bitter angry attacks on Brin by Dietz supporters have gotten beyond old and tired. The Dietz people have called Brin every name under the sun, now a thief? Their "proof" is anything but.

They are actually embarrassing themselves and Dietz with their behavior.

Louis G. Atsaves

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah Louis. Been waiting for your mudslinging chant. Tell me Louis, when will Mr. "cease and desist" disprove the "accusations". They're a matter of public record Louis. I'm sorry your poker pal is morally and ethically corrupt, but you should be too. It's obvious that your board member buddy is not to be trusted or believed. The list of, yes, documented infractions by your pal Brin continue to grow. If anyone spoke glowingly of Brin, it was meant to ignite him. I hear, if he loses to Dietz, Sally plans to fire him. Fact is, she hates him! She's sorry she ever hired him. Tell me again Louis about my forked tongue, right after you defend your pals documented illegal actions. Actions that were ordered by the 19th Judicial Court District to immediately cease and desist. Yes, Louis, the Lake County Judicial District. You know the one that speaks so "glowingly" of him. Or more truthfully, does not.

Anonymous said...

<<<"I hear, if he loses to Dietz, Sally plans to fire him. Fact is, she hates him! She's sorry she ever hired him.">>>

Gee, that isn't what she told me tonight at the Brin event. Nice long conversation. I've known her for a long time.

Keep on making that stuff up. Keep on insinuating. Keep on speaking with a forked tongue. If a lawyer tried to prove up a case in court with your type of insinuations instead of solid facts, you would not only lose but end up paying the legal fees of your opponent.

Is your name "Bettergovernment" or "baddergovernment"?

And you wonder why you can't get any of your mudslinging to stick?

Louis G. Atsaves

Anonymous said...

What I find interesting is that Sally did faithfully serve the community for nearly 30 years. Then she brings on Brin as his "fresh approach" has been to grant illegal access to select supporters, award a no-bid contract to an unproven vendor,and ignore the fact that the court has NOT APPROVED THE SYSTEM. But when Sally's not in the room, Brin is the first to take credit for "bringing this to the court's attention" and saving the day. So who has done all the wrongdoing? The Clerk with an unblemished record for nearly 30 years or her "fresh approach" guy?

Anonymous said...

What I find "interesting" are the repeated insinuations being screamed by the Dietz campaign and supporters. Anon 10:38, you are a perfect example of that. When Sally is around Brin says one thing and when she isn't around he says another? Really? Last night night both HE and SHE said the EXACT same thing!

So much for your insinuations.

Keep on mudslinging boys! Ever wonder why none of it is sticking? Is it perhaps because there is nothing there other than pathetic insinuations.

And I do mean pathetic.

Like, really shamefully pathetic.

Louis G. Atsaves

Anonymous said...

Mudslinging, mudslinging, mudslinging! Take it easy Jan. your middle child complex is really showing. They are public record!!!