Here's a sample of one of her recent mailers:
Note the theme: I'm one of you, I'm not one of those louts in Springfield that have run this state into the ground. In fact, the "anti old-boy" network meme even has a hint of gender warfare mixed in to boot that is no doubt designed to appeal to a certain sector of the electorate.
But the really funny part of the mailer is the text that implies that Sente, who was APPOINTED by State Senator Terry Link, and doubtless vetted and blessed by House leader Michael Madigan, went down to Springfield to fight leadership. Not very grateful considering they are the ones that brought you to the party, Carol, ha-ha. But understandable given that being a Dem this cycle appears to be pure poison.
It's also virtually impossible to find a reference to her party affiliation on her campaign website. Contrast it with her Republican opponent, Dan Sugrue.
All this, of course, is very funny for anyone who understands how Sente got to the General Assembly in the first place. It's also quite laughable for someone like Sente to claim independence from the Democratic power structure when your campaign headquarters is in the local U.A.W. building.
It'd be nice if some intrepid reporter would get Sente on the record as stating that she vows to vote against the incumbent Democratic leadership (Madigan) , if she should be elected. That might be a start to actually show some independent chops. But I won't hold my breath.
UPDATED: TURELLI vs. MAY IN THE 58th DISTRICT: Over in the 58th District, where Republican Lauren Turelli is challenging Democratic "stalwart" Karen May, a 10-year Springfield veteran, both candidates are trying to claim the badge of "reformer." So, who will the voters believe is really trying to go down to Springfield to represent their interests, and not the party bosses, the unions, or other special interests? The folks who have already been there and are part of the entrenched power structure (e.g., May, Sente) or the real reformers like Turelli and Sugrue?
you have to wonder about the mental makeup of a woman whose mail referring to old boys uses a picture of 10 year olds. I didn't realize 10 year olds were "old boys". Then again the democrats are telling us this year that a guy who has been unemployed for 6 years should be a congressman because he knows how to create jobs.
Let's also bear in mind that the average age of the top 4 politicians in the state- burris, durbin, daley, madigan and cullerton is a decade over the mandatory retirement age for beuracrats, all of which she suppported.
Hopefully there are efforts under way to end this womyn's career.
And this is a surprise? I think Dan Sugrue should send out the EXACT same mail piece and just substitute his name and face because he TRULY was NOT the choice of the GOP Party bosses...and pissed off the GOP with his 61% primary victory.
Elliott Hartstein must be totally disgusted by the pieces since he was Sente's primary opponent and would have stood up to Madigan and Link.
The audacity of these mailers truly is a story that should appear in the Daily Herald, Chicago Tribune and Pioneer Press. Madigan attacks himself and his machine in order to keep himself and his machine fully greased....
But instead, the press will probably focus on the candidates position on choice. Because, after all, we're in a recession and that is really what's on the minds of every unemployed, underemployed or recently retired voter...
Many candidates, in close races, including Rep. Kirk, don't mention their party, on their campaign literature. Since you complain about Sente, I hope that you complain about Kirk for doing the same thing.
Conservative Veteran
It's funny seeing you post this in light of the seemingly constant complaints about partisanship in this country. Though Sente was appointed, how can you fault her for wanting to be an independent leader in a relatively moderate and independent district. Maybe this is the core of why Dan Sugrue (again) has no chance of winning the seat. People aren't looking for partisan hacks like Dan Sugrue, they are looking for strong leaders who have proven records of community activism. Attacking Sente for wanting to be an independent voice is a little absurd and reflects your usual avoidance of the issues. I know this post was likely straight out of the GOP playbook a la Sugrue, as it (As usual) does not pertain to any issues that people care about and is instead focused on the minutiae that only riles up FOKLAES and the like.
Until Next Time,
A Concerned Colonial
CC - you miss the point, which I didn't think was that difficult.
It's not that I'd object to Sente being a true independent voice; it's that I believe she's a partisan hack appointed by, and loyal to, the Democratic leadership down in Springfield, and I resent her pandering to the public trying to act like she doesn't owe her leadership (and her union boss landlords) her undying loyalty.
TA- It wasn't that your point was so difficult to pick-up, it isn't. I think CC was just taken aback by it's obtuse and pedestrian nature.
"it's obtuse and pedestrian nature"
That the best you can do, Anon 3:14?
First, what does that say about the person who wastes their time reading this Blog?
Second, it's "its" not "it's", Einstein.
Colonial, I really hope you're getting whatever it is democrats give their supporters for spinning their bs because you are completely full of it.
For the 2 decades now beginning with grace mary stern it's been pretty apparent that the democrats that are elected on the north shore who sell themselves as independent leaders are mere toadies for the chicago ward hacks for whom they work in springfield. They use fears about social conservatism and national politics to shield them along with campaign cash for what is at best a pathetic and abhorrent legislative record. None of these clowns ever stand up and fight for the north shore and their job killing, tax and spend and borrow and spend policies have been an outright disaster for the state and area.
It saddens me to tears that an area that once had people like peter fitzgerald, kathy parker, john porter and others representing it in the state legislature now has garbage like this fed to it in even numbered years but thats the price we pay as republicans in a party devoid of leadership at the top levels more interested in indonesian activists and building websites than taking over power.
Sente's piece makes her sound like she's running AGAINST the incumbant, as AS the incumbant. Even she (or at least her handlers) recognize that folks are crying for real "hope and change" in Springfield and Washington.
Oops, typo--that should be "not as the incumbant", obviously.
Anon 9:03--
As I'm sure you noticed, TA did not refute my notion that Sugrue is a typical partisan hack. Sente represents the type of leadership that we deserve, Sugrue represents yet another weak attempt by the IL GOP to be relevant.
Until Next Time,
A Concerned Colonial
CC, maybe you haven't noticed the nationwide trends, but all predictions are that the Dems are going to get slaughtered this cycle.
So you just keep believing that the GOP is irrelevant, and tell all your friends the same thing. It'll depress the Dem turnout even more if they believe your premise that they don't have to bother to show up against such 'irrelevant' candidates like Sugrue.
You know as well as I do that even in the largest Republican years, the IL GOP still manages to screw things up by putting up mediocre candidates.
Let's be honest, Kirk should be ahead of Alexi by double digits, but his knack for lying and misremembering changed that quickly. I am fairly confident in Sente as she campaigned very hard in the primaries and will continue to fight for her district. Unlike Sugrue, who thinks that high education spending should consist of vouchers for high end private schools. Maybe this is something wealthy lawyers like Sugrue can get behind, but the rest of us can't compete with that.
Until Next Time,
A Concerned Colonial
CC, not all lawyers are wealthy. If you want to engage in class warfare, what evidence do you have that Sugrue is wealthier than Sente, who owns her own architectural firm (and has no family to support, unlike Dan who has three little kids - and the school-age kids attend public school, by the way).
I don't disagree that the IL GOP has a fine record of screwing things up, but let's not forget that Sugrue was NOT the IL GOP candidate of choice. So your points fail on both counts, my friend.
concerned sounds like a man on death row awaiting execution crying jesus to try to get a pardon. There are no excuses for him or his party this year. they control the top 9 offices in the state, the balance of the state's congressional delegation, both houses of congress and the white house with illinois democrats running or in top positions in all 3. It's a country governed by Illinois democrats from top to bottom and it's failed.
These women were rubber stamps in springfield and the only reason they aren't preparing resumes right now for private sector job opportunities is because of the political ineptitude of the state party. Dan seems like a great guy and I'm sure he'll do a fine job.
Couple of points my friend: Carol Sente didn't campaign in the primary - she was too busy taking orders for Madigan. Madigan's crew was up here - I know - I was walking for Elliott. Please tell me you do not believe Carol Sente is a more independent voice for the Democrats than Mayor Elliott Hartstein.
Elliott's years of experience, knowledge of local government and common sense scared the crap out of Madigan and Link - because Elliott couldn't be controlled.
Also, Sugrue at least is the underdog that beat Cross and Company. He may be Republican but he's an independent thinker and he's got balls!
As to the vouchers, I used to agree with you, being a former D, but I look at the cluster Xfjjf in the Chicago Public Schools and I agree with Meeks - education saves our kids. Vouchers are necessary in the City of Chicago and any other school district that forgets their mission is to educate our children, not provide employment to their friends.
I've agreed with you in the past CC - but I'm disgusted with our party.
Purple and Proud
I love it when the Republican plants get involved.
Purple and Proud, if you knew anything at all about the Sente-Hartstein race, you'd know that Elliot Hartstein sat back and expected to coast through the primary, while Carol Sente worked her ass off.
Is it any surprise that the candidate who worked hard wound up with 70% of the vote?
One last thing, Purple, you're confusing the persona you came up with for yourself. Are you actually a former Dem, or do you still consider yourself a party member, as your last sentence indicates.
John Smith
Elliott Hartstein's problem is that he believed he was entitled to the seat and as a result did not campaign for it. Sente came to my door, Hartstein did not (and I'm even one of his BG constituents). Sente sent mail pieces by the boatload, Hartstein did not. His only real campaign expense was a last minute robo-call, he spent next to nothing on the campaign which further indicates that he had no intention of seriously running for the office. In fact, one of my friends who has a son in college said that his son received a letter from Sente encouraging him to vote absentee. It was Sente's tenacity in campaigning that sold me on her and drove my objection to TA's false claims that she's a partisan-tool.
You're right about one thing, Sugrue is an underdog. He's also dreadfully unqualified and, based on his positions laid out on his web-page, painfully out of touch with the values of his district.
I can understand being upset that your guy lost, but tell him to scream less at Lisa Stone, stop making an a$$ of himself at board meetings and campaign a little more next time.
Until Next Time,
A Concerned Colonial
How can Karen May be a reformer with Springfield written all over her?
One of her legislative staffers, Nancy Rotering, sits on the Highland Park City Council. With Highland Park getting money from the state, how do we spell conflict of interest? Once Rotering was elected to the council, May should have asked for her resignation. But then, May is part of Springfield so it must seem like business as usual to her. It should stink to the voters.
Now Rotering is running for mayor of Highland Park. I hope the voters there are smart enough to reject this kind of cronyism and corruption.
How can Lauren Turelli be qualified? She's a rich Lake Forester who "dedicates many hours of service to her children’s schools and as a coach of their soccer teams." Yeah, that makes me really want to vote for her.
John Smith,
I've been a Democrat all my life. It sounds to me like Concerned Colonel is/was a Democrat as well. But, as a supporter of Elliott's, I became disgusted by the selection process in picking Ryg's replacement. Elliott was far more qualified and would have helped us in the long run by standing up for what most of us working class people are looking for. Much the way Melissa Bean has.
So if you're suggesting I'm a "plant" because I'm still capable of analyzing instead of following a pack, then I got out just in time!
And Colonel, the reason Sente was able to keep the mailbox full is because of the amount of money the good old boys put in her race to defeat Elliott. Elliott worked his tail off and so did many of his supporters (including myself). We had little money to work with in comparison to Sente. But we had a lot more BG and Lake County volunteers than Sente ever did!
Purple and proud!
The literature left on my door yesterday by Suzi Schmidt fails to mention she is a Republican. Could that be because she really is a RINO? Doesn't she vacation in Florida regularly with Suzi and Terry Link? If Suzi isn't proud enough to tell the voters she's a Republican, perhaps we ought to follow our last Republican State Senator's advise and vote for Bond.
That Nancy Rotering is really something else. She sounds like a Republican when she speaks at Highland Park City Council meetings which she was until it became convenient for her to become a Democrat in 2004 to join Karen May’s staff and get in good with the local party to boost her career.
She’ll be back with us when the office she seeks is in an area that trends our way. I guess Karen May doesn’t check these things out when she hires staff. The voters will.
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