A great and bold choice on the part of McCain!
This really opens the door for a future woman president... only not the way the Dems envisioned.
You can read all about Palin's bona fides at CNN and FOX. For our purposes, what do y'all think about how Hillary fans are going to take this? I don't know that scads of women would vote for Palin just based on gender, but it's got toadd to the nasty taste in the mouth of many Hillary supporters that Obama passed her over.
Check out the Draft Palin for Veep site I found. Looks like they did it.
UPDATED 11:35 a.m.: The Dems are already freaking out about this. Obama's camp is now complaining about Palin's inexperience and the danger that she would be one heartbeat away from the presidency. Hmm, I believe she at least has two years more executive experience than Obama has, who has never managed anything of note besides his own campaign.
Also, good luck on attack-dog Joe Biden beating up on a lady with 5 kids without looking like a ogre.
I may go home early today!
This really opens the door for a future woman president... only not the way the Dems envisioned.
You can read all about Palin's bona fides at CNN and FOX. For our purposes, what do y'all think about how Hillary fans are going to take this? I don't know that scads of women would vote for Palin just based on gender, but it's got toadd to the nasty taste in the mouth of many Hillary supporters that Obama passed her over.
Check out the Draft Palin for Veep site I found. Looks like they did it.
UPDATED 11:35 a.m.: The Dems are already freaking out about this. Obama's camp is now complaining about Palin's inexperience and the danger that she would be one heartbeat away from the presidency. Hmm, I believe she at least has two years more executive experience than Obama has, who has never managed anything of note besides his own campaign.
Also, good luck on attack-dog Joe Biden beating up on a lady with 5 kids without looking like a ogre.
I may go home early today!
UPDATED x2 2:30 p.m.: The Tribune Clout Street Blog has the positive reaction from the Illinois GOP. The only bad thing about this is it means that Obama would still be our senator for another few years, and we would not be shipping a bunch of his corrupt statehouse friends out to DC for federal jobs.
I don't like McCain or Obama, but I must admit that chosing a woman is a masterful strategic move for McCain.
Biden can wack her on foreign relations to which all she has to say is if you vote for her Joe Biden will stay in the Senate and be able to cast important votes on a daily basis.
Just as the Democrats tire in the battlefield, McCain brings in fresh and rested troops. He certainly ties down his base.And seriously, how can some of Hillary's backers NOT love Sarah Palin?
I am a huge McCain guy, and a young republican and this is a GREAT pick, not only because it screws up Obama's campaign but that the 2 things about her are reform and change.
Every attack Obama levels against her , could be said about him and what's worse, once she gets in a debate with Biden you'll have a career politician against a fisherwoman mom with 5 boys one with downs syndrome.
Unlike Obama, Palin appears to be a real reformer who has changed Alaska's political landscape.
She pushed for ethics reform, turned away the bridge to no-where and has been pushing the oil companies around.
Maybe Obama can learn a few things from her.
Louis G. Atsaves
With a holiday weekend approaching, sometimes we all need to take a time out and think a while instead of constantly knee-jerk reacting. And I mean both sides.
You all have to admit that this has been a most interesting election cycle.
Honestly, who would have believed the two major parties would have settled on Obama-Biden and McCain-Palin? The pundits who constantly write about national politics need to step up and admit that they were totally clueless 18 months ago. All the heavy hitter pundits, political spinmeisters and political strategists that were wrong on the end result thus far could fill up three stadiums right about now.
I supported McCain in 2000 and have to admit that I didn't give him much of a chance to win the primary this time around. I was less than thrilled when Bush won the primary but grudgingly came around. So I have an idea how the strong Hillary supporters feel.
Obama outlasts his challengers who ripped on him and his lack of experience and credentials, and then choses one to be his VP choice and allowed the other husband-wife team prime times slots during the convention. We even saw the Illinois delegation hug it out!
Time will tell if we can believe the words of the pre-convention Clintons and Biden about Obama, or the post-convention words they say about him. They either uttered falsehoods before or they are uttering falsehoods now about their beliefs concerning Obama. Were those Illinois hugs of love or pro-wrestling bear hugs? We will soon find out.
McCain too outlasts his challengers and then chooses a VP choice who is short on experience after ripping Obama on his lack of experience. While everyone wrote about Democrats painfully trying to unite, this week they can write about us Republicans painfully trying to unite. Lots of words were tossed around during that primary as well by lots of candidates.
The last time we had an inexperienced guy running for President who was "backed up" by an experienced guy was Bush-Cheney! Is that what Obama is now trying to mimic on the liberal Democratic side of things? :-)
I'll give both campaigns credit for tossing the political rule book aside and taking chances. With the stadium, Obama took a chance of a rain storm during his big speech last night and ended up with clear weather and a beautiful summer day. He took a lot of chances and tried a lot of new methods of campaigning. The McCain campaign right now has been on track and extremely focused as well.
I'll still go with experience on top with a promising inexperienced VP candidate. That shouldn't shock any of you around here.
McCain's ad last night congratulating Obama was extremely classy. Nice to see that once in a while during a heated campaign, no matter where it originated from.
Cutting taxes for the middle class? Setting limits on abortion? Demanding fewer unwanted pregnancies? Demanding personal responsibility? Education reform including demanding accountability and results from our educational system? Responsible drilling as part of a comprehensive energy policy? Was that a Republican up there? : -)
Missed the fireworks. Missed Ramirez' grand slam too!
No matter what side of the political spectrum you hang your hat on, you have to admit that this has been a most interesting and fascinating election thus far!
A Democrat trying to be more Republican and a Republican trying to be more like a Democrat. Only in America.
This is one great country!
Louis G. Atsaves
Got to admit I love the VPILF comment. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the only person with executive experience on either of these tickets Sarah Palin? A President is supposed to govern, not legislate and yet Governor Palin is the one being criticized for lack of experience? Democrats seem nervous about this pick, otherwise they wouldn't be attacking her so hard. Surprisingly, the only person who gave her any respect was Hillary. Classy move.
It will be interesting to see if the Dems call her extreme on the pro-life issue. Really can't knock a woman who knew well in advance she would be having a child with downs syndrome and didn't think twice about having the baby. Good for her.
Whether McCain wins or loses, Sarah Palin is the new face of the Republican party. Combine her with Pawlenty, Samford, Hensarling and Coburn on the conservative side and Kirk, Crist, Schwarzenegger and Martinez on the moderate side and the Republicans can quickly start rebranding themselves. Future is looking up.
Now if the Sox could just beat Boston.
Sox Fan - don't forget Jindal and Cantor, too.
TA, while I have always respected your views and enjoy reading and posting on here as a way to find a good political news balance, I cannot believe that you too have drank the Kool-Aid on Sarah Palin. Palin could not have been a worse choice for Senator McCain (and he will stay Senator for the next 8 years). I am far from a Republican, but even I cannot understand this move from a GOP viewpoint. McCain has Lieberman in his pocket, a man who was nearly/should have been Vice President under Gore. McCain's selection of Lieberman would have solidified his weakness on the economy and guaranteed that Hillary supporters would have voted for McCain. Sorry to those that have posted, but there is no way that Sarah Palin, who has even less experience than Obama, is going to attract female voters because she is ardently pro-life. What Louis and others quickly forget is that upwards of 85% of women are pro-choice (rightfully so), with the remaining 15% being the religious right kooks. Moreover, McCain's central argument in his campaign has been his experience (which is less than Biden's) and he loses all standing on this argument by selecting a VP who has no national experience. ?Before spending a mere 19 months as governor of the least populous state in the union, she spent 8 years as mayor of a town that is smaller then nearly every Chicago suburb. Mayor Daley has been in charge of more people than Palin, and certainly both Obama and Biden--having held National office--have been responsible to many more than Palin. Sure, she's cute and has a little edge, but in no way, shape or form is she even close to ready to lead this nation should something happen to the oldest man to ever run for the office of President.
But where Louis and others fall short on the Palin Kool-Aid the most is on the issues. Her two main issues are guns and ETHICS, in an election that WILL be decided on foreign policy and, most importantly, the economy! On that note, Palin is supposed to be known for Ethics reform, yet her office (which she has had for ONLY 18 months) is under investigation for abuse of power and she is VERY deep in the pockets of the NRA, both of which present a bit of a challenge to her "tough ethical stand". McCain would have been better off with Lieberman or with an economist (both Bloomberg and Bernanke are brilliant and Republicans), which would have been the best choice.
I'm sorry TA, but Palin was a mistake of drastic porportions and this, combined with the brilliant words of Obama last evening, have all but won the election for him.
Until Next Time,
A Concerned Colonial
Anon 10:55 Unbelievably thorough posting. You have hit on every relevant point and said it with great clarity. You should have been awarded the VP slot!
Concerned Colonial--Concerned Trolling perhaps?!?
Way more than 15% of women are pro-life. Sarah has more EXECUTIVE experience. Not hot air like NOBAMA. Legislature versus Executive baby. That's all I gotta say.
Anon 11:32---IS THAT YOU DEMOCAT???? Where is your dingbat owner?
Most of the talking heads were struggling to find a positive thing to say after this announcement. McCain just bungled his one decent argument against Obama. Plus he proved he is putting his campaign, not his country, first by exposing us all to the risk of someone who's only been mayor of a town of 6000 and governor of a 1-congressional rep state for 20 mos.
You have any polls to back this one up? Didn't think so.
Louis G. Atsaves
Gallup Poll May 5-11, 2008
N=1,017 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
"Do you think abortions should be legal under any circumstances, legal only under certain circumstances, or illegal in all circumstances?"
Legal Under Any Circumstances: 28%
Legal Only Under Certain Circumstances: 54%
Illegal in All Circumstances: 17%
Unsure: 2%
Time Poll conducted by Abt SRBI. July 31-Aug. 4, 2008.
N=808 likely voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.
"Which of these positions best represents your views about abortion? A woman should be able to get an abortion if she wants one in the first three months of pregnancy, no matter what the reason. Abortion should be legal ONLY in certain circumstances, such as when a woman's health is endangered or when the pregnancy results from rape or incest. Abortion should be illegal in all circumstances, even if the mother's life is in danger."
Always Legal in 1st 3 Months: 46%
Legal in Certain Circumstances: 40%
Illegal in All Circumstances: 10%
No Answer/Unsure: 4%
All the women in our family are crazy for Sarah Palin, so I can't imagine the women who wouldn't be who are even considering McCain. We are Protestants, but Pelosi's in hot water with the bishops, Biden is in hot water with the bishops, and both are Catholic and not pro-life. What about those Catholics who take their religion seriously? They are going to really, really like Palin, too.
The Catholic pro-life belief is from conception to the grave. That means that caring for the poor and elderly, seeking justice for the disenfranchised, stopping state executions and torture, opposing war as a first resort, and seeking world peace are also top priorities. Fighting against abortion is only one of our concerns, and bombing innocent children through "shock and awe" is much more obscene to the Catholic sensibility.
It seems that Obama isn't too thrilled about Palin. So much so, his campaign has generated a website clearly aimed at trying to offset the overwhelming support that the religious right is starting to show McCain over his pick. I have the details on my blog, but for in depth details on how it was done, they have it over at LGF.
We should jump on this one because it shows how much of a hypocrite Obama is on using smears.
Just dropped a post on Ellen reiterating all the liberal groups mark has won. That HAS to hurt.
Too bad we don't have a state party because they would be trashing Obama the way he used the corrupt machine to work his way up, while this great gal lit hers on fire.
Gotta love the GOP, we always find a way to get in the fight and kick some you know what up.
Anyone know how to look up how many polls dan's taken lately on his fec form?
Anon 11:29, you can't check it until Oct. 15 when his FEC report will be online. This quarter's expenses and revenue will need to be submitted by 9/30 but don't appear on the FEC site until mid-October.
Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant! That's some quality conservative parenting.
What's the big deal, Anon 12:12? If it were Obama's daughter, we wouldn't have heard about it unless someone at the Planned Parenthood clinic said something. The difference is this, Palin teaches her kids that a baby is a blessing, no matter how hard it will be to raise them, but Obama teaches his kids that a baby is "punishment", and that he doesn't want his daughters to be "punished" for making a bad choice. Nobody has a perfect family, there are always problems everywhere. One of the things that we should do is respect the privacy of the children from the candidates. They are not the candidates and they don't deserve the same kind of scrutiny that the candidates get.
Lone Wolf,
I don't think the issue here is the privacy of Palin's daughter, its moreso the reflection on Palin. McCain introduced her as someone with "high moral standard", but what does it say about her as a parent if she cannot effectively pass those values onto her own children. If Palin cannot even control her own children, how does she plan on controlling the nation if something should happen to the oldest person to ever receive a nomination for president. This is just another bullet point in a long list of reasons that I have already laid out that demonstrate that Sarah Palin is in no way qualified to be VP of this nation.
Until Next Time,
A Concerned Colonial
Dear Concerned Colonial- you better check in with headquarters, apparently you didn't receive the Obama talking points yet. The anointed one himself has declared the issue of family to be hands off, and anyone on his team that goes there is going to get fired (so he says).
Probably a wise move for Obama. Among other points people have raised in the glass house category is the fact that Obama himself was born to a woman who was 18 at the time (good thing for Barack she was apparently pro life and kept the child). And let's not get into his drug use and other foibles, if you really want to get personal in terms of questioning judgment. I really don't think you want to be going there...
If we want to compare the two, here goes:
Palin - "We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us. Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support."
Obama - “Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.”
Over at the "other" blog site in the 10th, the catwoman is ranting against donating bottled water to the region slammed by the storm.
She is now deleting posts that correctly point out how reprehensible and shameful her position is.
Turns out that Congressman Mark Kirk was asking for bottled water donations. If Dan Seals asked for bottled water donations, she would be lauding him.
Let's do a deletion count today shall we? You know from the one who extols the virtues of free speech for herself only and no one else?
So far as far as I can tell, it's one.
The deletions will not cure that shameful behavior.
Louis G. Atsaves
Number of people without electricity in the region is being reported at 1,000,000. They could use the bottled water right now.
Right Ellen? Wrong. She is now ranting against the disposal of all those plastic bottles.
Louis G. Atsaves
Ellen, if you are reading this, go check out the comment I left for you. I hope it opens your "progressive mind". :)
What's it going to take to convince you to just let that catwoman rant and rave to her fellow lunatics. DON'T BOTHER READING WHAT SHE AND HER BUDDIES POST. Ignoring her is the only sensible thing to do. It's her way or the proverbial highway. Free Speech? You must be kidding. She and her mom and the few sicko friends who comment are so far off the reality scene that it's pointless to try to 'talk' to them. Let it go. Hopefully in 59 days or so she and they will just disappear. And as for the bottled water. Here's a blast for her. The Mayor of Highland Park is happily joining Congressman Kirk in helping supply necessary water and other supplies. Take my advice: stop reading that insanity. I think we all have better things to do.
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