Monday, October 11, 2010

Chicago Tribune Lambasts Alexi's Stonewalling on Truth About Broadway Bank Loans To Mobsters (UPDATED WITH VIDEO)

In the wake of the first debate between Congressman Mark Kirk and Alexi Giannoulias on Meet the Press this past Sunday, the Chicago Tribune, after having soundly endorsed Mark Kirk for U.S. Senate, has decided that it has had about enough of Alexi's prevarication on the question of what he knew about his family bank's questionable clients:

As the Tribune reported in April, Broadway Bank had lent millions of dollars to Michael "Jaws" Giorango and his business partner Demitri Stavropoulos by the time Giannoulias arrived at the institution. During his time as a loan officer, the bank kept giving them loans — even when they were about to go to federal prison on felony convictions.

Confronted with these embarrassing facts, the candidate has squirmed to put the best face on them. "If I knew then what I know now, these are not the kind of people that we do business with," he said Sunday. But when Gregory asked, "Did you know that they were crime figures that you were loaning to?", Giannoulias couldn't fudge his way to safety. "I didn't know the extent of their activity," he said.

That is a roundabout way of saying: "Yes."

That awful sound you hear is the Alexi Giannoulias campaign imploding, and even Barack and Michelle can't put it back together again.

UPDATE: Here's a new video compilation on 'Jaws Gate,' entitled "Never Seen":

Apparently, all of this is "offensive" to Giannoulias, so maybe we ought to back off.

Politics ain't beanbag, pal.


Anonymous said...

It was right after the debate when Joel Klein, the Newseek reporter, finished off Giannoulias. He said something like, "the extent? the extent of his involvement? I've never heard that from a politican before."

I'm concerned about the Dold vs. Seals election. I see no TV ads for Dold. All I see are ads for Seals. Early voting has already started. The better man may lose because he's simply not visible! What's going on at Camp Dold?!

Blue Wind said...

Well, the Tribune is a republican newspaper. The Sun Times have a different story:

It seems that Kirk could still not address issues about his military record with a straight answer. Sometimes when you lie too much you mix up the lies and I am afraid this is what has been happening in the Kirk case. He has lied so many times for so long that is not easy to keep up with his own lies. And that probably led him to lie once more during the debate.

Anonymous said...

And you're quoting the Princess of Darkness herself, Lynn Sweet, and expecting us to go along with your tale, Blue? Again, you can't change your views, we surely won't change our views about the two men. Three weeks from today the voters in our State will decide. The Tribune has endorsed many Democrats so your charge that they're a Republican paper is just flat out wrong.

A. Bees said...

Blue Wind -

When MSNBC is taking shots at AG, maybe it's time to realize that this one has nothing to do with partisanship.

Simply, he is a severely flawed candidate who just had one of those devastating political moments fewer than 30 days before the election.

In other words, AG just crapped the bed on national TV and the press is hammering him for it.

Anonymous said...

The nice thing about this election year is that for once it's not just king louis astaves the alexi ellen and pup slayer, team america, mrs. team america, baxter and beaus mom and countless others fighting the good fight for the RIGHT.

I've never heard of this group but they seem like team america followers to me, partially because they like mark kirk and hate alexi, but even more so because they like to use pictures that mock the hair gel air head democrat nominee for senate. the one at the end with alexi with 4 hooters girls-blondes of course is classic. If anyone knows where it is online, I think it makes the guy look like my ellen or your a-- you should send it to team america.


Anonymous said...

thats the video

here's the group.


Anonymous said...


How do you like Dolt's strategy of skipping out on the Jewish community candidate forum last night in favor of a lackluster appearance on Hannity?

I heard at least three audience members (all of whom were wearing kippot) saying they were switching their vote to Dan as a result.


Anonymous said...

DOLD hiring john mcgovern to run his operation matters more than that. Mcgovern was for years a loyal kirk lieutenant who bombed in the topinka debacle 4 years ago but he's much more of a pro than klopp or folino were. I don't know what's in dold's head or his scheduling plans on missing last night, his latest ad is awful as were the clips of the debate I saw last night. In the clips you see dan taking notes and thinking about his position which makes you wonder what a guy whose been unemployed for 6 years does all day other than think about these sorts of forums. Comrade Jan apparently read a statement on israel which is pathetic considering she's 69920 years old and has been doing this stuff since the prehistoric age.

the alexi hooters picture in the ad I mentioned earlier is a classic and belongs in a kirk ad. What a loser.


Anonymous said...

Foklaeps, Bob Dold had informed the BJBE team that he could NOT particpate in this forum WEEKS AGO. If they chose to make comments about Bob Dold it reflects poorly on the organizers more than it does on anyone else. To the commenter who says that some wearing kippot would switch their votes to Seals, dream on. Dold offers more than Seals could at any time, in any year. Seals spent a brief week-end in Israel doing nothing. Bob Dold spent a full week there this past May and has a firm grasp of the issues facing Israelis and Palestinians, having met with both sides. As for Jan, any comments would need to be deleted by TA as inappropriate.