Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post said this:
At the end of a Chicago Sun-Times blog post on the trial is a recorded exchange between former Blagojevich chief of staff John Harris and the governor, in which Harris passes along a note from Giannoulias. The state treasurer, according to Harris, had called about the Senate seat President-elect Obama was set to vacate.
"So Alexi called me. He wanted to have a discussion about the Senate seat," Harris is heard telling Blagojevich. "I imagine he'll tell me ... Barack wants Valerie (Jarrett)."
Blagojevich responds, according to the Sun-Times: "Listen to me, don't see him today. Just ... let's run the clock now."
According to Alexi's camp, the call was not made at the behest of Obama.
But the call was made. So now we have Alexi meddling in the U.S. Senate appointment with a disgraced former governor who tried to sell the seat.
The seat Alexi is now running for. Rich at Capitol Fax Blog thinks this is no big deal.
I think as far as we're concerned here, we'll see how this develops before making that pronouncement.
And why isn't this in the main street media yet, TA? And I'm sure that your newest 'friends' on this blog will call it rubbish. It will be interesting to see what they have to say. So right, TA, where there's smoke........
Right now with just the information available to me through the press, other than the curiosity factor of Alexi making a call to recommend someone else for the position he is now seeking through an election, I don’t see a smoking gun here.
I am curious though. Why would Alexi call on behalf of someone else if he was interested in the seat himself?
Louis G. Atsaves
I hope 12:01 is right.
I don't think Kirk's campaign can take many more "earth-shattering" news stories about his opponent that fall flat--like the "rooftop" story.
It damages his credibility and makes him look like he lives and breathes drAma.
Anonymous ?
"Where there's smoke...."
I'm sorry, but alot of this sounds like a rejected high-schooler trying to start a "whisper campaign"--unsuccessfully.
"Wake up and smell the coffee!" The Media here aren't falling for that nonsense.
Anonymous ?
When will Kirk return the Loan Shark Brincat money?
It is ironic that Alexi fans complain about Bloan sharks when their candidate fro Senate got rich off of owning a bank that failed because it made too many sub-prime loans.
Aah, the weighty irony of scrutiny!
Semper fi!
Would you like to explain the relevance and applicability of that last comment, 7:24?
Anon 7:08: I'm going to say this just once. Jeff Brincat is not a loan shark. He is a veteran and one of the hardest working individuals I know.
As someone else already pointed out, it's very ironic that FOA (Friends of Lexi) would even try to float that kind of rumor. So, anyone else who wants to try to make that allegation without evidence is going to be deleted, if not banned. That kind of crap may fly on LakeCountyEye but not here.
The Management.
What, did people think I was kidding?
Hey, TA, thanks for standing up and removing what truly does not belong here or anywhere. You are a guy who says what he means, and really means what he says. Let's hope that we can get back to the real issues that are at stake in this 2010 election.
I saw the post that was removed last night. I have just finished paying $13,744.50 to Consumer Financial Services on behalf of my daughter and her husband who is serving in the Army. After more research last night, I have to say I am very disappointed with Mr. Dold, Mr. Kirk, and this blog. Our Libertyville home will not be voting for Dold, or Kirk, but I will be speaking to my neighbors and associates.
TA - You're doing a great job!!! It's so sad that insinuation and innuendo have become the preferred methods of so many inherently flawed candidates.
Not sure who posted that comment at 9:08 a.m. but who knows the TRUTH behind that post. Blogs don't necessarily deal with truth and fact from anyone. Hopefully this Blog will not let posts like that remain up since there is always another side to what that person has written. In this election, anything and everything seems to be the order of the day. It sure is disgusting to have to contend with character assassination without proof. Nasty stuff lately. TA, you do have the power to stop that since there is no evidence to show the other side.
Not sure who posted that comment at 9:08 a.m. but who knows the TRUTH behind that post.
Really. Well the 9:08 comment sounded "genuine" and "intriguing".
Instead of "burying the story", perhaps "damage control" would include bringing it out first.
"Where there's smoke", right? (Yay! Ha Ha Ha Ha!)
So here's what I don't understand, TA. Why are you hell-bent on deleting stuff about Dold being called a loan shark, but you won't delete a post like the one below that is truly offensive to both Dold & Seals?
From Anonymous @ June 24, 2010 6:13 AM
Dold = Abhors Helen Thomas
Seals= Fingers smell like Helen Thomas
Come on, man: do the right thing & control whoever "anonymous" is. You want to make this about issues, but you let posts like that?
I am surprised to see that you have started selectively censoring posts. There have been totally ridiculous and unsubstantiated posts here calling Alexi Giannoulias a "mobster", but you never deleted/censored them. Now, someone wrote something unsubstantiated (and probably wrong) about Dold and you deleted it.
Dont go the wrong way. Stay fair and open minded, as you have always been. Otherwise your arguments about Ellen who (wrongly in my opinion) does not allow very strong opinions against democrats in her blog, no longer stand. I think it would be a mistake to listen to these Kirk supporters who in their desperation use foul language and call names anyone who dares to post the truth about Kirk and the many many lies of his campaign. Your blog has been credible because you have been (or trying to be) fair. Dont lose this credibility.
Blue Wind, the only thing I've removed lately, and told people I would remove are certain unfounded accusations about a Dold/Kirk supporter. I think everyone knows that I avoid doing that when at all possible, but some things cross the line.
To your point about Alexi, I don't think anyone has ever called Alexi a mobster, but it's well-documented that his bank made loans to several unsavory characters, so I think "mob banker" is a justified appellation, as politics go.
I am a lot more protective when it comes to things people say about non-public figures, like supporters of candidates. For better or worse, you put yourself out there in the public domain as an elected official, people have a certain right to know and discuss your life. The same is not necessarily true for private citizens who simply are supporting the candidates of their choice.
Ok, I got your point. I had not realized the attack was on a Dold supporter and not Dold himself. In that case I think you were right to remove it.
Your comments sound a lot like basic libel law--not to mention common sense. You have always been one to encourage open and intelligent discussion. And nice to see Blue Wind concur.
Well done.
Once can now hope that Blue Wind will be careful about his attacks on Mark Kirk. Kirk's official Navy records, called Fitness Reports, are solid documents of his outstanding Navy records of achievements over the past 21 years. Those are going to be made public so that everyone has a chance to review every single word of them. Was Kirk wrong in embellishing the name of an award that he AND his unit received for meritorious service. Of course. Is that comparable to what Alexi and his failed bank have cost us, the taxpayers, in the FDIC bailout of some 394 million dollars? Of course not. Nobody is excusing Kirk's exaggeration when clearly there was no need to do so. But to compare what he has done to what Alexi and his family has done is simply not the same.
It is high time to put all of this behind both campaigns and get to the real issues that voters will need to know to make intelligent choices in 128 days. Nobody is perfect, nobody has or will go through life without some stain on their credibility. Voters will decide who's the best choice for IL to send to the US Senate. To most of us that choice is clear: Mark Steven Kirk.
ANON 2:08,
Kirk and/or his campaign managers have broken the world record of lying about his credentials and experiences. There are at least 7-8 exaggerations/lies so far regarding his military and "teaching" record and that kind of pattern is very disturbing. It makes me wonder whether the residents of IL-10 were deceived for many years and kept electing him because they believed many of these exaggerations. Believe it or not, at this pont Giannoulias has a much higher moral ground than Kirk.
Lexi is simply unqualified. Whatever resume foibles may have occured on both sides, Kirk is head-and-shoulders more qualified. Lexi belongs in a race for student body president, not United States Senator.
YOu know, Blue, PROVE your statements. I challenge you to PROVE what you are saying about Mark Kirk. He embellished the award. His Navy credentials, all 77 pages detail a very amazing record that few can match. You continue to rail away at what you call lies. Prove that statement. You said 7 or 8. Prove that statement. Obama LIED when he said he was a Professor at the U of C. He was a lecturer. I don't recall any outrage. He made many embellished remarks that went unchallenged, but I digress. Everyone, including YOU, Blue, I'm sure has overblown statements about who you are and what you've done in life. I'll match Mark Kirk's lifetime of successes, and yes, his achievements for those of us fortunate enough to live in this district, against your very nasty insinuations about why he has been re-elected five times. Can we agree to move beyond the embellishment of an award to the real issues that our nation is suffering from thanks to the man and the team in the White House. This is getting old, tiring, boring, and really not very productive.
ANON 6:11,
Just open a newspaper. From the Chicago Tribune, to Chicago Sun Times, to the New York Times, to Daily Post in London (to mention a few). All of them have called Kirk a liar (directly or indirectly). If you dont follow the news I can not help you. Sorry.
Au contraire, Blue. I DO read. I HAVE read what the NAVY records, the Fitness Reports, have to say about Mark Kirk. Obviously you believe, as gospel, everything that the MSM says is fact. That's fine. But the truth is somewhere in between and you know it. Have you read Commandind Officer Fearnow's statement about the award in question? I think it's YOU who doesn't read EVERYTHING, report on it accurately. And I can't wait to hear your reporting on Alexi and his troubling remmebering how he did, or did not talk, or did not talk to anyone about Valerie Jarrett and the Senate Seat. So it simply depends upon whose ox is being gored. It's a shame that the MSM likes to swing back and forth between Mark Kirk and now Alexi, surely denying voters the chance to know where both men stand on policy that will have a major affect on our nation.
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