Call Sharon Parker at 312-755-3519 for more information or to RSVP.
Also, TA hears that Bob Dold is planning to bring back his campaign tour bus this week, and will be making stops throughout the 10th Congressional District, starting in Arlington Heights on Wednesday. We'll have more details and photos as the bus moves out on the road.
The Dold bus seemed to be quite a success for Bob during the primary, as it propelled him to a win over the better-known Beth Coulson. Given that Dold is battling Seals, who has greater name recognition, the bus may just be the thing Dold needs to start creating some buzz and exposure.

Obviously a lot more fun than hanging around Joe Biden, in any event!
UPDATED: Here, via the Dold website, is the Dold "Let's Get to Work" bus schedule.
Sounds like a really creative way to fundraise. Kudos to the Dold team and the host and hostess of what appears to be a new, fresh idea. Bob Dold did well with that bus tour during the Primary. My bet is that this time around he will find even more supporters anxious to get out and meet him. Thanks for the heads up on the Saturday event, TA. Hope to see you there.
I'm looking forward to the Fiesta too. And I have to be there, I'm on the host committee!!!
Love the bus! The bus won him the primary and will likely propel him in the general. FOKLAEAPS...enough with the back-handed criticisms/support of Dold. Get on the bus! Seals is pullin' a Coulson...one event every 10 days...his website is simply anemic...
Does anyone know if the Dold Bus will be in the Libertyville Days parade on Saturday?
Trebor from Libertyville
Dolt and Kirk are two peas in a pod of lies and misrepresentations. Maybe Kirk "misremembered" his service record in the same way that Dolt couldn't remember if he was pro-choice or pro-life when he gives speeches in front of tea party groups.
Dolt could have an army of motor coaches, they represent him and his Kenilworth up bringing very well and show he knows nothing about the average American. This man is a joke and FOKLEAPS has it right for a change in that Dolt going to lose.
Until Next Time,
A Concerned Colonial
CC, we don't hear you nasty on our victory bus. The 10th Dems are bitter angry trolls and the 10th doesn't want you. byebye
CC, we don't hear you nasty on our victory bus. The 10th Dems are bitter angry trolls and the 10th doesn't want you. byebye
CC also has a huge problem with getting Bob DOLD's name spelled correctly. You 10th Dems are nasty, hate filled nothings who bring absolutely nothing to our district. YOUR lies, your total and complete continuing distortions of the positions of other candidates makes you and yours totally irrelevant and foolish. Because someone comes from Kenilworth, works in a family owned business, volunteers in the broader community makes him a winner, you fool, not the loser you represent. What exactly does Dan Seals do each and every day? What exactly has he done to make this a better place. Get the point? You are hardly concerned much less a colonial.
The answer is that the professional candidate Seals has done nothing except run for office over the last six years. No community service in the District (except for campaign photoopps), no job, hasn't moved into the Distirct, indeed he is just a carpet bagger who offers nothing except bland promises and gas stunts.
Dan Seals doesn't care about the District, he just wants to be Congressman.
His campaign is based on lies and misrepresentations and the people of the 10th already know that. Dan Seals and his band of 10th Dems hate-mongerers are what is wrong with America and American politics. It is time to move beyond the nasty, and hop on the Victory Bus for some positive campaigning for a change, a political philosophy that believes in the good within people, and a lot of fun. We can make politics fun and positive again. byebye, DC, CC, EoftheT...
Looks like the company Bolt Bus has a new competitor in town: Dolt Bus.
By the way, Anon 6:31am, Seals has received 47% and 45.5% of the votes (respectively) in the past two cycles. What does that mean for Dolt? It means that this is Seals' floor, the worst he can do. Running against an unknown with no ideas of his own...yeah, Dan should be real worried. Get used to the name 'Congressman Seals'.
Wow! Concerned Colonel has been attending tea parties and can comment on this falsehood first hand? Or is Concerned Colonel just uttering falsehoods and pretending to be in the know?
Hey! Isn't that "embellishing"? Or did CC "misremember" whether or not he attended all those tea party gatherings? Or did CC "misspeak" about this?
All this new language we all have to learn to follow politics these days.
Louis G. Atsaves
Seals received 47% and 45.5% of the vote in the last two election cycles, and this is proof that Seals will win the third time around?
He lost both times, the second during the Obama tidal wave election? Did Seals forget his surfboard?
Same tired message. Same tired candidate. Same sense of entitlement.
Get on the bus or meet the bus for a new candidate, a new sensible approach to politics and meet your soon to be new congressman, Bob Dold.
Louis G. Atsaves
I hear that Seals is having trouble getting folks in Waukegan excited. Seems that attachment to the corrupt anti-hispanic and racist Democratic Establishment (can you say Mayor Hyde) up there doesn't sit well with a lot of folks.
-Waukegan Jose
1. Will there be a pelosi pinata?
2. I am told Dan seals has already won the limbo competition because you don't get any lower than that dude.
3. Concerned Colonial, you have a mobster banker for senate, an ex gov on trial whose consultants btw are helping alexi and dan, a governor that just wrote a 6 million dollar check to a "museum of broadcast communications" whatever that is while the state is in a 12 billion dollar hole, a president who has played 58 rounds of golf while 2.3 million barrels of oil have spilled into the gulf.
This is not the time to talk yourself up.
4. Dear Eric Elk, please watch season 6 of the hit tv show entourage specifically the episode where Ari hires an opposition researcher to dig up dirt on terrence mccuick, his former boss and business adversary. Because of his research ari finds out that terrence is getting a divorce and is therefore forced to sell the company getting ari a better deal in the process.
Had you vetted congressman kirk like most big boy adult senate campaigns you might have saved yourself stories like this morning's in the new york times and the 14 the last 3 weeks where the congressman's military career was basically destroyed.
The bus will be at the Libertyville Days Parade on Saturday. Look to find the Dold Team of supporters & volunteers there!
FOKLEAPs (or whatever mysterious title you go by now)--
I would rather have a young,intelligent former banker who is willing to actually address his role with Broadway Bank than a lying, two-faced snake that refuses to talk about anything substantive. In all the years Kirk has been in office, he has never once held a press conference or owned up to his decisions and mistakes. I'd rather have someone who doesn't shy away from the issues and doesn't hide behind staffers and press releases that use a lot of taxpayer ink to say nothing. Kirk "misremembered"? COME ON. Kirk has deceived this district for years on his beliefs and out-right LIED about his service record. I respect that the man served, but there are now at least 10 recorded instances of him claiming things about his record which are UNDENIABLY FALSE. Taking credit for a team award as an individual may be the most classless thing on the planet (next to taking lots of campaign funds from BP and Goldman Sachs).
I find it laughable that you accuse Obama of playing '58 rounds of golf' when GWB took the MOST vacation time of any president in our history. He spent 490 days on 77 visits in office at his ranch in Crawford and 487 days at Camp David. That is equivalent to 2.67 YEARS of his presidency spent on vacation!! Unlike Bush, Obama has taken almost no vacation time as he has been busy fixing the mess that you and the neocons left behind while you were on vacation. He's been down to the Gulf four times in the past few weeks, thats more times than Bush went to New Orleans throughout the ENTIRE DURATION of the Katrina recovery.
You can keep the liar, the village idiot, and Dolt. I don't need them, the people of Illinois don't need them, and this country doesn't need them.
Until Next Time,
A Concerned Colonial
If the 10th dems loved alexi so much why did ellen endorse cheryle jackson and you all voted for hoffman 60-29?
facts are tough.
1. Mark Kirk will forget more about foreign policy tonight than alexi will learn in his lifetime. Go lauren beth gash's house, ask her to pop in the vhs of the 2000 community house debate where gash had a 6 inch binder of notes she had to turn to respond to every question even on local issues while Mark without notes destroyed it. He'll forget more about policy and policymakers than you'll learn in a life. Which is why he's our next senator and your a 23 year old trying to get an internship at some dogdoo think tank. Too bad you aren't a conservative, the food at AEI and Heritage is great, and the pay is pretty good. I recommend the AEI Africa dinner, great ox tail. Our women are also better looking.
2. The 10th dems were never entitled to personal berating sessions where you could spew your venom at the congressman or his staff. If he ever went public with a fraction of the doo doo you have unloaded on him and team kirk, you would have to leave the north shore because your friends and colleagues would disassociate themselves from your behavior.
3. I speak for myself and all americans when I say I'd rather have a navy hero congressman than a 32 year old hair mob banker. The only thing bright on alexi's head is the shininess of the hair product he applies.
4. Mr. Dold remains to be seen. The congressman set a high standard which lets face it, only reed bundy could have met, but he's had some nifty moves like the bus tour and he at least knows how to throw a political punch.
5. Can someone please tell dold he needs a pelosi pinnata at the fiesta.
You don't speak for me, fokleaps. And I'm an American -- red, white & true blue -- all the way back to the American Revolution -- and a double DAR at that.
Welcome back, Madame Defarge.
So, what was up with claiming on DailyKos that you'd been banned from this blog. You know that's not true. Were you just trying to get pity points from the Kos Krowd?
I "misspoke", TA. My mistake & I admit it. What I should have said was that one of my comments was deleted. Way back when...something to do with Kirk's preferences, which have recently been highlighted in other blogs. And since I'm labeled as a Kirk "hater" because I dare to differ with opinions expressed on this blog, it's clear that I'm not all that welcomed here.
Well, I appreciate your honesty, but all I can say is that whatever you said must have really been over the top, because I hardly ever delete anyone.
As far as being labeled a "hater", I think it was the Ward Room blog that first came up with that, but at least we let people with opposing views post here. We don't even get that courtesy over at Ellen's. And few people there hold back when it comes to characterizing Kirk or his supporters, so until they are ready to call a truce, I suppose you will just have to deal with it. But we'll still let you comment here.
By the way, that Fiesta Party was amazing! It was my first time meeting Dold and it was such a positive, good experience.
Dold for sure has my support!
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